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Displaying posts with tag: ha (reset)
We’d love to go to Paris for the OpenStack Summit - please vote for our talks!

August 6, 2014 By Severalnines


Well over a thousand sessions have been submitted for the OpenStack Summit and two of them includes our good selves! We’ve submitted two talks with partners of ours: 


… and would love it if the talks were included in the final agenda. For that to happen, we need a few more of your votes today!


The OpenStack Summit is a five-day conference for developers, users, and …

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MySQL Fabric/MySQL Utilities 1.4.4 released

The binary and source versions of MySQL Utilities/MySQL Fabric have now been made available at

This release contains bug fixes and minor enhancements – full details can be found in the MySQL Fabric/MySQL Utilities release notes.

My talks about MySQL, Galera and LXC (and friends) [UPDATE]

Im giving some talks this year:

MySQL Hochverfügbar mit Galera

Location: FrOSCon

About: Learn about Galera and deploy it using LXC and Ansible

LBaaS-Loadbalancer as a Service

Place: GUUG Frühjahrsgespräche

Topic: It is a workshop ( together with Jan Walzer and Jörg Jungermann). We are going to show how to use LXC to provide slim loadbalancers.

Medley der Containertechniken

Place: GUUG Frühjahrsgespräche

Topic: Learn about all the basic techniques vanilla based Container technology uses/shares (Namespaces, Cgroups und Chroot). Have a look at some of them (LXC, Libvrit, systemd-nspawn and Docker)

MySQL Replikation: Von den Anfängen in die Zukunft

Place: DOAG 2014

Topic: Learn about the past and the future of MySQL (and MariaDB) replication.

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MySQL Cluster High Availability Through Data Replicas

MySQL Cluster enables high availability by storing data replicas on multiple hosts. MySQL Cluster maintains connections between data nodes by using high-speed interconnects over TCP/IP - standard or direct connections - or SCI (Scalable Coherent Interface) sockets.

To learn more about MySQL Cluster, take the MySQL Cluster training course.

This course is currently scheduled for the following locations:



 Delivery Language

 Sao Paulo, Brazil

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Sharding & HA – MySQL Fabric Webinar Replay + Q&A

On 19th June 2014, Mats Kindahl and I presented a free webinar on why and how you should be using MySQL Fabric to add Sharding (scaling out reads & writes) and High Availability to MySQL. The webinar replay is available here. This blog post includes a transcript of the questions raised during the live webinar together with the responses given – if you’re questions aren’t answered already then please feel free to post them as comments here.


MySQL Fabric is built around an extensible and open source framework for managing farms of MySQL Servers. Currently two features have been implemented – High Availability (built on top of MySQL Replication) and …

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Sharding & HA – MySQL Fabric Webinar

On Thursday (19th June), Mats Kindahl and I will be presenting a free webinar on why and how you should be using MySQL Fabric to add Sharding (scaling out reads & writes) and High Availability to MySQL. This product has only recently gone GA and so this is a good chance to discover it’s for you and to get your questions answered by the people who wrote the software! All you need to do is register for the MySQL Fabric webinar here.


MySQL Fabric is built around an extensible and open source framework for managing farms of MySQL Servers. Currently two features have been implemented – High Availability (built on top of MySQL Replication) and scaling out using …

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MySQL Fabric now Generally Available – Automating High Availability and Sharding for MySQL

MySQL Fabric is a new framework that automates High Availability (HA) and/or sharding (scaling-out) for MySQL and it has just been declared Generally Available.

This post focuses on MySQL Fabric as a whole – both High Availability and scaling out (sharding). It starts with an introductions to HA and scaling out (by partitioning/sharding data) and how MySQL Fabric achieves it before going on to work through a full example of deploying HA with MySQL Fabric and then adding sharding on top.

Download and try MySQL Fabric now!

This post focuses on MySQL Fabric as a whole – both High Availability and scaling out (sharding). It starts with introductions to HA and scaling out (by partitioning/sharding data) and how MySQL Fabric achieves it …

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MySQL Cluster 7.4.0 Labs Release

The first version of MySQL Cluster 7.4 has now been released on MySQL Labs. Note that labs loads are not suitable for production use (in fact they’re even less mature than Development Milestone Releases); their purpose is to give users a chance to see what’s in the works, try it for themselves and then provide feedback. Having read that, if you’d like to try it out then Download MySQL Cluster 7.4 from MySQL Labs.

The focus of this first Cluster 7.4 load is performance and data node restart times.


MySQL Cluster was designed from the outset to be a distributed, in-memory database and …

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Advanced MySQL Replication Architectures and Latest Developments – On-Demand webinar + Q&A

We recently hosted a live webinar covering advanced MySQL Replication topics as well as the latest developments. The webinar charts and replay are now available here. Below, you’ll find the questions raised by the audience together with the responses given.

More details on what was covered…

The biggest Web sites in the world rely on MySQL Replication to scale-out and provide High Availability for their data. Extend your knowledge of how MySQL Replication works and what you can achieve with it; join us for this technical webinar to explore some of the more advanced replication architectures as well as some of the latest product developments:

  • Replication …
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MySQL Fabric – adding Scaling to MySQL

MySQL Fabric is a new framework that adds High Availability (HA) and/or scaling-out for MySQL. This is the second in a series of posts on the new MySQL Fabric framework; the first article (MySQL Fabric – adding High Availability to MySQL) explained how MySQL Fabric can deliver HA and then stepped through all of the steps to configure and use it.

This post focuses on using MySQL Fabric to scale out both reads and writes across multiple MySQL Servers. It starts with an introduction to scaling out (by partitioning/sharding data) and how MySQL Fabric achieves it before going on to work through a full example of configuring sharding across a farm of MySQL Servers together with the code that the application developer needs to …

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