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Displaying posts with tag: gui (reset)
Performance Monitoring, Tuning & Auditing in MySQL® 5.1 - A GUI Approach - PART 1

Revision: 8 - Last Update: September 03 2008

This is the first part of a series of short articles with a how-to approach about MySQL® Performance Monitoring, Tuning & Auditing. We will see the question from a GUI prospective. In particular we will describe which monitoring-oriented features HoneyMonitor, a GUI for MySQL® currently in alpha development, implements.

I will explain how HoneyMonitor let you

  1. install an audit database on your server, without the need of using 3th Party Agents nor using remote repository databases
  2. enable the auditing and start monitoring your server
  3. tuning your server changing a few suggested list of variables to get better performance.

We will use only the 5.1.x series of the Server as we use some Scheduled Events and the Event Scheduler has been added only in the 5.1 branch. In particular we will use MySQL® 5.1.24-rc. We will also do some …

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I've been playing with various GUIs off and on over the last couple of months. I find that I drop to mysql.exe quite often no matter which tool I use. My favorites until recently have been the MySQL GUI Tools and NaviCat.

I was using the Lite edition of Navicat. I actually started using navicat with postgres a few years ago. I like it but the lite version is limited in some annoying ways. It's nice in that it runs (at least the mysql version) in Linux and windows. I don't use a mac so that doesn't really do anything for me.

Of course the MySQL gui tools run just about anywhere.

I just …

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Navigating categories within my blog

With 130 entries in the “MySQL” category and no MySQL-related subcategories, my blog had become impossible to search and navigate easily.

And thus I created a number of new categories for the MySQL entries within my blog. They’re listed in the left navigation bar, below the months, as well as below:

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Designing databases with MySQL Workbench

A week ago, Mike Zinner and his team released the beta version of MySQL Workbench on MySQL Workbench is a visual database design tool that is developed by MySQL. It is the successor application of the DBDesigner4 project.

There are two different editions of MySQL Workbench at this point in time - an open source edition and a standard edition that is only available for paying customers.

This means that MySQL Workbench introduces a new concept for MySQL. Until now, MySQL products have either been open source or only available through a commercial subscription (such as MySQL Enterprise Monitor).

MySQL Workbench is …

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Announcing the winners of the MySQL GUI Bug hunting contest

Some time ago, our GUI tools development team started a contest to shake out the bugs in the MySQL GUI applications, especially the MySQL Administrator and the MySQL Migration Toolkit.

The contest ran for about 3 months and resulted in more than 170 bug reports, of which the team fixed all the significant ones (over 120) by now. This is quite impressive, especially considering the relatively small size of the GUI development team. I am very happy to see that the quality of these tools has been improved, they are quite useful, especially for users not keen on using the command line.

The new MySQL Administrator 1.2.8 and MySQL Migration Toolkit 1.1.8 have now been declared production …

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Announcing the winners of the MySQL GUI Bug hunting contest

Some time ago, our GUI tools development team started a contest to shake out the bugs in the MySQL GUI applications, especially the MySQL Administrator and the MySQL Migration Toolkit.

The contest ran for about 3 months and resulted in more than 170 bug reports, of which the team fixed all the significant ones (over 120) by now. This is quite impressive, especially considering the relatively small size of the GUI development team. I am very happy to see that the quality of these tools has been improved, they are quite useful, especially for users not keen on using the command line.

The new MySQL Administrator 1.2.8 and MySQL Migration Toolkit 1.1.8 have now been declared production …

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A new (old) MySQL GUI tool: HeidiSQL

Some of you may remember a GUI tool named MySQLFront written by Ansgar Becker, a shareware tool for Windows to administrate a MySQL server. The development stopped with version 2.5 in September 2002, because Ansgar no longer had the time to further drive the development. About a year later, the name (not the code) was taken over by Nils Hoyer, who started to develop and sell a product similar in functionality under that name. See this page (in german) for a more detailed history.

Back then, many people had asked Ansgar to turn his work into an Open Source project, which he declined to do (as it would probably have required even more time to maintain properly than just doing the development all by himself).

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