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Displaying posts with tag: installation (reset)
MySQL-Docker operations. - Part 2: Customizing MySQL in Docker

Previous Episodes:

After seeing the basics of deploying a MySQL server in Docker, in this article we will lay the foundations to customising a node and eventually using more than one server, so that we can cover replication in the next one.
Enabling GTID: the dangerous approach.To enable GTID, you need to set five variables in the database server:

  • master-info-repository=table
  • relay-log-info-repository=table
  • enforce-gtid-consistency
  • gtid_mode=ON
  • log-bin=mysql-bin

For MySQL 5.6, you also need to set log-slave-updates, but we won't deal with such ancient versions here.
Using the method …

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MySQL-Docker operations. - Part 1: Getting started with MySQL in Docker

Docker is one of the fastest growing trends in IT. It allows fast deployment of services and applications on a Linux machine (and, with some limits, on other operating systems). Compared to other methods of deploying databases, such as virtual machines or application isolation, it offers faster operations and better performance.
Many people, surprised by the sudden advance of this technology, keep asking What is Docker? And why you should use it?
I will write soon an article with a deep comparison of the three methods (VM, container, sandbox), but for now, we should be satisfied with a few basic facts:

  • Docker is a Linux container. It deploys every application as a series of binary …
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Ubuntu: Steps to install/update MySQL to the latest DMR

For learning, testing and keep up with things, one might want to install/update the MySQL version to the latest DMR (Development Milestone Release). At the time of this writing the latest DMR for MySQL is  MySQL Community Server 5.7.8-rc. Having chosen Ubuntu server as my operating system and since this is a development version hence not yet part of an official Ubuntu release, you have to install

MySQL replication in action - Part 3: all-masters P2P topology

Previous episodes:

MySQL replication in action - Part 1: GTID & CoMySQL replication in action - Part 2 - Fan-in topology

In the previous article, we saw the basics of establishing replication from multiple origins to the same destination. By extending that concept, we can deploy more complex topologies, such as the point-to-point (P2P) all-masters topology, a robust and fast …

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In search of cleanliness : the elusive quiet installation

UPDATE: Almost solved! See at the end.

A clean installation of a database server is one where everything goes according to the expectations. It used to be easy: you only had to do what the manual says, and, presto! you would see your database server installed and ready to use. If something went wrong, you got one or more error messages that informed you of what needs to be fixed.

Sometimes, rarely, it happened that you got also a warning message, telling you that while the installation was successful, you could improve it by fine tuning this and that. No big deal.

Gone are those times. A clean installation nowadays is a much harder exercise, if not impossible. Let’s give it a try using MySQL 5.7.7.

Attempt #1 using mysql_install_db
The first error you could do when using a new version of MySQL is assuming that basic operations are …

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MySQL 5.7.8 : features, bugs and rumors

I’ve had a look at a preview release of MySQL 5.7.8, some time before it became available to the general public (perks and duties of an Oracle ACE) and I found a few interesting things among the release notes and the tarball itself:

  • There is a new tool named mysqlpump, which is intended as a replacement for mysqldump, with parallel processing, compression, progress watch, the long awaited ability of excluding databases or tables, and more.
  • The json functionality has been fished out from the labs and added to the main distribution.
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Securing your MySQL server

After installing a MySQL database server, like the one I posted earlier, if it's going to be a production environment than you should consider securing the instance by eliminating some of the basic vulnerabilities that come with a generic install. Fortunately MySQL and MariaDB already come with a tool for that purpose, called mysql_secure_installation. This program enables to perform the

Basic MySQL installation on Ubuntu Server


The cenario for the installation is an Ubuntu Server with version 14.04 of the operating system. you can download the ISO image for the OS instalation at Canonical's website.

You should perform this install only with the basic platform, maybe choosing only the SSH server in case you're planning remote shell access to this server.

Installation Process

After installing the OS, login

MySQL 5.7.6 is out. Be prepared for big changes

Today Oracle released MySQL 5.7.6 milestone 16. With this, MySQL 5.7 has been in development for over 2 years.
Compared to MySQL 5.6, the changes are quite extensive. The main effort of the team has been focused on speed, with performance reportedly improved from 2 to 3 times compared to previous releases.
A full list of what is new would take too much space here, but I would like to mention some key points:

  • Oracle has spent a considerable amount of energy in the improvement of MySQL security and safety. You will see many new features, but even more old features that were deprecated and more that were removed after deprecation in 5.6.
  • The installation process has been changing in every …
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How to setup High Availability PrestaShop on multiple servers with MariaDB Galera Cluster

November 7, 2014 By Severalnines

PrestaShop is a popular open source e-commerce software powering over 200,000 online stores, according to the company. We’ve seen a bit of interest into high availability PrestaShop setups, so this post will show you how to achieve that on multiple servers. Note that this setup not only caters for failures, but by load balancing traffic across multiple servers, it also allows the system to scale and handle more users.

This post is similar to our previous posts on web application scalability and high availability:

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