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Displaying posts with tag: InnoDB plugin (reset)
Improving InnoDB memory usage continued

Continues from Improving InnoDB memory usage.

Here are some numbers from the fixups described in the above article:

The workload consists of 10 partitioned tables, each one containing 1000 partitions. This means 10’000 InnoDB tables. We truncate the tables, then restart mysqld and run:

1. INSERT a single row into each of the 10 tables
2. SELECT * from each table
3. FLUSH TABLES (this causes the tables to be closed and reopened on the next run)
4. wait for 10 seconds

we repeat the above steps 10 times. Here is the total memory consumption by mysqld with 1GB InnoDB buffer pool during the workload:

In the fixed case (green line) you can clearly see the peaks when the commands 1. – 4. are run …

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Improving InnoDB memory usage

Last month we did a few improvements in InnoDB memory usage. We solved a challenging issue about how InnoDB uses memory in certain places of the code.

The symptom of the issue was that under a certain workloads the memory used by InnoDB kept growing infinitely, until OOM killer kicked in. It looked like a memory leak, but Valgrind wasn’t reporting any leaks and the issue was not reproducible on FreeBSD – it only happened on Linux (see Bug#57480). Especially the latest fact lead us to think that there is something in the InnoDB memory usage pattern that reveals a nasty side of the otherwise good-natured Linux’s memory manager.

It turned out to be an interesting …

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InnoDB Plugin Version History

I’m often wondering what version of the InnoDB Plugin is included with which version of MySQL (or MariaDB). The MySQL changelogs used to denote which version of the InnoDB plugin was included with that particular release of MySQL, but sadly this is no longer the case.

Therefore I’ve compiled a comprehensive list which contains all of this info, and then some (and note all InnoDB Plugin changelog links are provided at the bottom).

Hope you find it helpful

MySQL 5.6:

MySQL     Plugin     Status Date
5.6.4 1.2.4 Milestone 7 12/20/2011
5.6.3 1.2.3
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Advanced InnoDB Deadlock Troubleshooting – What SHOW INNODB STATUS Doesn’t Tell You, and What Diagnostics You Should be Looking At

One common cause for deadlocks when using InnoDB tables is from the existence of foreign key constraints and the shared locks (S-lock) they acquire on referenced rows.

The reason I want to discuss them though is because they are often a bit tricky to diagnose, especially if you are only looking at the SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS output (which might be a bit counter-intuitive since one would expect it to contain this info).

Let me show a deadlock error to illustrate (below is from SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS\g):

111109 20:10:03
TRANSACTION 65839, ACTIVE 19 sec, OS thread id 4264 starting index read
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
LOCK WAIT 6 lock struct(s), heap size 1024, 3 row lock(s), undo log entries 1
MySQL thread id 3, query id 74 localhost root Updating
UPDATE parent SET age=age+1 WHERE id=1
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Shortened warm-up times with a preloaded InnoDB buffer pool

Are you running an InnoDB installation with a many-gigabytes buffer pool(s)? Does it take too long before it goes back to speed after a restart? If yes, then the following will be interesting to you.

In the latest MySQL 5.6 Labs release we have implemented an InnoDB buffer pool(s) dump and load to solve this problem.

The contents of the InnoDB buffer pool(s) can be saved on disk before MySQL is shut down and then read in after a restart so that the warm up time is drastically shortened – the buffer pool(s) go to the state they were before the server restart! The time needed for that is roughly the time needed to read data from disk that is about the size of the buffer pool(s).

Lets dive straight into the commands to perform various dump/load operations:

The buffer pool(s) dump can be done at any time when MySQL is running by doing:

  mysql> SET innodb_buffer_pool_dump_now=ON;

This …

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Reasons to use MySQL 5.5 Presentation

I recently gave a presentation at the New York Effective MySQL Meetup on the new features of, and some of the compelling reasons to upgrade to MySQL 5.5. There are also a number of new MySQL variables that can have a dramatic effect on performance in a highly transactional environment, innodb_buffer_pool_instances and innodb_purge_threads are just two to consider.

For more information on all the new variables, status, reserved words and benchmarks of new features you can Download Presentation Slides.

Reasons to use MySQL 5.5

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There are a number of significant new features in MySQL 5.5 including semi-synchronous replication, SIGNAL and RESIGNAL, the PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA, additional STATUS variables, new partitioning options, different default storage engine, better UTF8 support and removal of deprecated functions just to list key considerations.

However some of the performance improvements are worth the investment of time. For a high concurrency InnoDB environment one new configuration alone can provide a …

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IOPS, innodb_io_capacity, and the InnoDB Plugin

In the InnoDB plugin, a new variable was added named innodb_io_capacity, which controls the maximum number of I/O operations per second that InnoDB will perform (which includes the flushing rate of dirty pages as well as the insert buffer (ibuf) batch size).

First off, let me just say this is a welcome addition (an addition provided by the Google Team, fwiw).

However, before this was configurable, the internal hard-coded value for this was 100. But when this became configurable, the default was increased to 200.

For many systems, this is not an issue (i.e., the overall system can perform 200 IOPS).

However, there are still many disks (which is often the bottleneck) out there that are …

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Tips and Tricks for Faster DDL

Data Dictionary Language (DDL) operations have traditionally been slow in MySQL. Any change to the table definition would be implemented by creating a copy of the table and index layout with the requested changes, copying the table contents row by row, and finally renaming tables and dropping the original table.

The InnoDB Plugin for MySQL 5.1 implements a more efficient interface for creating and dropping indexes. Indexes can be created or dropped without rebuilding the entire table.

Speeding up Bulk INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE Operations

Normally, InnoDB would update all indexes of a table when rows are inserted or deleted. If you update an indexed column, InnoDB would have to delete the old value and insert the new value in the corresponding index. If you update a primary key column, the row would be deleted and inserted in every index of the table. This can be slow even despite the …

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Leveraging the InnoDB Plugin

Beginning with MySQL 5.1 as an additional plugin and included by default in MySQL 5.5 the InnoDB plugin includes many performance improvements. To leverage the support of new file formats however a very important setting is necessary.


The use of innodb_file_per_table with an existing system or during an upgrade to 5.1 or 5.5 requires a complete reload of your database to use effectively. In summary.

  • Backup all InnoDB tables via mysqldump
  • Drop InnoDB tables
  • Verify InnoDB not used
  • Stop MySQL
  • Enable innodb_file_per_table & simplified innodb_data_file_path (if applicable)
  • Remove ibdata? files
  • Start MySQL
  • Create Tables
  • Reload Data
  • Verify InnoDB Operation

The primary reason is we are moving from using a …

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