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Displaying posts with tag: Insert buffer (reset)
IOPS, innodb_io_capacity, and the InnoDB Plugin

In the InnoDB plugin, a new variable was added named innodb_io_capacity, which controls the maximum number of I/O operations per second that InnoDB will perform (which includes the flushing rate of dirty pages as well as the insert buffer (ibuf) batch size).

First off, let me just say this is a welcome addition (an addition provided by the Google Team, fwiw).

However, before this was configurable, the internal hard-coded value for this was 100. But when this became configurable, the default was increased to 200.

For many systems, this is not an issue (i.e., the overall system can perform 200 IOPS).

However, there are still many disks (which is often the bottleneck) out there that are …

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Plug In for Performance and Scalability

Why should you care about the latest “early adopter” release of the InnoDB Plugin, version 1.0.3?   One word: performance! The release introduces these features:

  • Enhanced concurrency & scalability: the “Google SMP patch” using atomic instructions for mutexing
  • More efficient memory allocation: ability to use more scalable platform memory allocator
  • Improved out-of-the-box scalability: unlimited concurrent thread execution by default
  • Dynamic tuning: at run-time, enable or disable insert buffering and adaptive hash indexing

These new performance features can yield up to twice the throughput or more, depending on your workload, platform and other tuning considerations. In another post, we explore some details about these changes, but first, what do these enhancements mean for performance and scalability?

In brief, we’ve …

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