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Displaying posts with tag: mysql performance (reset)
Installation and configuration of Percona XtraDB Cluster on CentOS 7.3

This blog will show how to install the Percona XtraDB Cluster on three CentOS 7.3 servers, using the packages from Percona repositories. This is a step-by-step installation and configuration blog, We recommend Percona XtraDB Cluster for maximum availability / reliability and scale-out READ/WRITE optimally. We are an private-label independent and vendor neutral consulting, support, managed services and education solutions provider for MySQL, MariaDB, Percona Server and ClickHouse with core expertise in performance, scalability, high availability and database reliability engineering. All our blog posts are purely focussed on education and research across open source database systems infrastructure operations. To engage us for building and managing web-scale database infrastructure operations, Please contact us on

This cluster will be assembled of three servers/nodes:

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Installation and configuration of Percona XtraDB Cluster on CentOS 7.3

This blog will show how to install the Percona XtraDB Cluster on three CentOS 7.3 servers, using the packages from Percona repositories. This is a step-by-step installation and configuration blog, We recommend Percona XtraDB Cluster for maximum availability / reliability and scale-out READ/WRITE optimally. We are an private-label independent and vendor neutral consulting, support, managed services and education solutions provider for MySQL, MariaDB, Percona Server and ClickHouse with core expertise in performance, scalability, high availability and database reliability engineering. All our blog posts are purely focussed on education and research across open source database systems infrastructure operations. To engage us for building and managing web-scale database infrastructure operations, Please contact us on  

This cluster will be assembled of three …

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Saving With MyRocks in The Cloud

The main focus of a previous blog post was the performance of MyRocks when using fast SSD devices. However, I figured that MyRocks would be beneficial for use in cloud workloads, where storage is either slow or expensive.

In that earlier post, we demonstrated the benefits of MyRocks, especially for heavy IO workloads. Meanwhile, Mark wrote in his blog that the CPU overhead in MyRocks might be significant for CPU-bound workloads, but this should not be the issue for IO-bound workloads.

In the cloud the cost of resources is a major consideration. Let’s review the annual cost for the processing and storage …

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Auditing MariaDB for Secured Database Infrastructure Operations

When you are building Database Infrastructure for an data sensitive business (like financial services, digital commerce, advertising media solutions, healthcare etc. ) governed by compliance and policies, You are expected to maintain the audit log of the transactions to investigate, if you ever suspect something unacceptable (i.e., user updating / deleting data) happening to your database . MariaDB provides Audit Plugin (MariaDB started including by default the Audit Plugin from versions 10.0.10 and 5.5.37, and it can be installed in any version from MariaDB 5.5.20.) to log the server activity, Although the MariaDB Audit Plugin has some unique features available only for MariaDB, it can be used also with MySQL. MariaDB Audit Plugin log the details like who connected to server (i.e., username and host), what queries were executed, the tables accessed and server variables changed. This information is retained in a rotating log file or sent to …

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On MySQL and Intel Optane performance

Recently, Dimitri published the results of measuring MySQL 8.0 on Intel Optane storage device. In this blog post, I wanted to look at this in more detail and explore the performance of MySQL 8, MySQL 5.7 and Percona Server for MySQL using a similar set up. The Intel Optane is a very capable device, so I was puzzled that Dimitri chose MySQL options that are either not safe or not recommended for production workloads.

Since we have an Intel Optane in our labs, I wanted to run a similar benchmark, but using settings that we would recommend our customers to use, namely:

  • use innodb_checksum
  • use innodb_doublewrite
  • use binary logs with sync_binlog=1
  • enable (by default) Performance …
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Data Integrity and Performance Considerations in MySQL Semisynchronous Replication

MySQL semisynchronous replication provides improved data integrity because when a commit returns successfully, it’s known that the data exists in at least two places – the master and its slave. In this blog post, we review some of the MySQL hosting configurations that influence the data integrity and performance aspects of semisynchronous replication. We’ll be using InnoDB storage engine and GTID-based replication in a 3-node replica set (master and 2 slaves), which will ensure there is redundancy in the slaves. This means that if there are issues with one slave, we can fall back on the other.

Configurations Applicable to Both Master and Slave Nodes

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What is MySQL partitioning ?

MySQL partitioning makes data distribution of individual tables (typically we recommend partition for large & complex I/O table for performance, scalability and manageability) across multiple files based on partition strategy / rules. In very simple terms, different portions of table are stored as separate tables in different location to distribute I/O optimally. The user defined division of data by some rule is known as partition function, In MySQL we partition data by RANGE of values / LIST of values / internal hashing function / linear hashing function. By restricting the query examination on the selected partitions by matching rows increases the query performance by multiple times compared to the same query on a non partitioned table, This methodology is also called partition pruning (trimming of unwanted partitions), Please find below example of partition pruning:

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Chunk Change: InnoDB Buffer Pool Resizing

Since MySQL 5.7.5, we have been able to resize dynamically the InnoDB Buffer Pool. This new feature also introduced a new variable — innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size — which defines the chunk size by which the buffer pool is enlarged or reduced. This variable is not dynamic and if it is incorrectly configured, could lead to undesired situations.

Let’s see first how innodb_buffer_pool_size , innodb_buffer_pool_instances  and innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size interact:

The buffer pool can hold several instances and each instance is divided into chunks. There is some information that we need to take into account: the number of instances can go from 1 to 64 and the total amount of chunks should not exceed 1000.

So, for a server with 3GB RAM, a buffer pool of 2GB with 8 instances and chunks at default value (128MB) we are going to get 2 chunks per instance:

This means that there will be 16 chunks.

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How to use mysqlpump for faster MySQL logical backup ?

MySQL 5.7.8 introduced much improved version of mysqldump, It’s called “mysqlpump”, mysqlpump is much faster than mysqldump with parallel threads capabilities, There are many other compelling reasons for choosing mysqlpump over mysqldump, This blog is about how mysqlpump can be used for good. mysqlpump is relatively a new utility of MySQL and we are confident that Oracle MySQL will invest more to make mysqlpump efficient, we haven’t recommended mysqlpump in production for any of our customers till date, considering several concerns. The following below are mysqlpump features we are really excited about:

  • Supports parallel MySQL logical backup, The resource usage efficiency and high performance backups (we love it !)
  • Much better orchestration possible – You can backup selected databases, tables, stored programs and user accounts etc.
  • By default mysqlpump will not backup performance_schema, sys schema, …
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Things to remember when you migrate from MyISAM to InnoDB

Occasionally we have customers with MyISAM storage engine approaching us to migrate their database to InnoDB, MyISAM is great if you are just an application like web content management system with no multi-user concurrency challenges but what if you are building an highly transactional data web property ? InnoDB is much preferred for such situations, InnoDB provides Row-level locking (Oracle like) for consistent reads on an multi-user concurrent user high performance database application. InnoDB also guarantees maximum data integrity by supporting FOREIGN KEY, We captured below few interesting points to remember while migrating your database from MyISAM to InnoDB :

  • Data of InnoDB tables is stored in *.ibd files, deleting those files will permanently corrupt your database
  • InnoDB tables consumes more storage space than MyISAM tables .
  • Unlike MyISAM, InnoDB is a transactional database engine. In any typical MyISAM …
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