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Displaying posts with tag: drizzle (reset)
The end of Bazaar

I’ve used the Bazaar (bzr) version control system since roughly 2005. The focus on usability was fantastic and the team at Canonical managed to get the entire MySQL BitKeeper history into Bazaar – facilitating the switch from BitKeeper to Bazaar.

There were some things that weren’t so great. Early on when we were looking at Bazaar for MySQL it was certainly not the fastest thing when it came to dealing with a repository as large as MySQL. Doing an initial branch over the internet was painful and a much worse experience than BitKeeper was. The work-around that we all ended up using was downloading a tarball of a recent Bazaar repository and then “bzr pull” to get the latest. This was much quicker than letting bzr just do it. Performance for initial branch improved a lot since then, but even today it’s still not great – …

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Who is working on MariaDB 10.0?

There was some suggestion after my previous post (Who works on MariaDB and MySQL?) that I look at MariaDB 10.0 – so I have. My working was very simple, in a current MariaDB 10.0 BZR tree (somewhat beyond 10.0.3), I ran the following command:

bzr log -n0 -rtag:mariadb-10.0.0..|egrep '(author|committer): '| \
  sed -e 's/^\s*//; s/committer: //; s/author: //'| \
  sort -u|grep -iv oracle


MariaDB foundation/MontyProgram/SkySQL:

  1. Alexander Barkov
  2. Alexey Botchkov
  3. Daniel Bartholomew
  4. Elena Stepanova
  5. Igor Babaev
  6. Jani Tolonen
  7. knielsen
  8. Michael Widenius
  9. sanja
  10. Sergei Golubchik
  11. Sergey Petrunya
  12. Sergey Vojtovich
  13. timour
  14. Vladislav Vaintroub …
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nanomysql – tiny MySQL client lib

I recently got pointed towards which is a tiny (less than 400 lines of C++) MySQL client library which is GPL licensed.

If you need to link into non-GPL compatible code, there is the (slightly larger and full featured) libdrizzle library. But if you want something *tiny* and are okay with GPL, then nanomysql may be something to look at.

MySQL vs Drizzle plugin APIs

There’s a big difference in how plugins are treated in MySQL and how they are treated in Drizzle. The MySQL way has been to create a C API in front of the C++-like (I call it C- as it manages to take the worst of both worlds) internal “API”. The Drizzle way is to have plugins be first class citizens and use exactly the same API as if they were inside the server.

This means that MySQL attempts to maintain API stability. This isn’t something worth trying for. Any plugin that isn’t trivial quickly surpasses what is exposed via the C API and has to work around it, or, it’s a storage engine and instead you have this horrible mash of C and C++. The byproduct of this is that no core server features are being re-implemented as plugins. This means the API is being developed in a vacuum devoid of usefulness. At least, this was the case… The authentication plugin API seems to be an exception, and it’s …

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Libdrizzle 5.1.4 released!

I've just created a release of Libdrizzle 5.1.4 (the BSD licensed C connector for MySQL servers) which for me is one of the most exciting releases to date.

Not because the amount of features or anything that we have added, in fact this is mostly a minor release with bug fixes.  It is because Brian Aker and I didn't submit the most code for it.  That honour goes to Wim Lewis from The Omni Group who has done a fantastic job fixing up Libdrizzle.

As for the release itself the main fixes revolve around cleaning up code and many fixes to the server-side prepared statement handling.  Behind the scenes Wim has supplied many improvements to the test suite and Brian has setup more platforms to test against in Jenkins.  …

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The MEMORY storage engine

I recently wrote about Where are they now: MySQL Storage Engines and The MERGE storage engine: not dead, just resting…. or forgotten. Today, it’s the turn of the MEMORY storage engine – otherwise known as HEAP.

This is yet another piece of the MySQL server that sits largely unmaintained and unloved. The MySQL Manual even claims that it supports encryption… with the caveat of having to use the SQL functions for encryption/decryption rather than in the engine itself (so, basically, it supports encryption about as much as every other engine does).

The only …

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The MERGE storage engine: not dead, just resting…. or forgotten.

Following on from my fun post on Where are they now: MySQL Storage Engines, I thought I’d cover the few storage engines that are really just interfaces to a collection of things. In this post, I’m talking about MERGE.

The MERGE engine was basically a multiplexer down to a number of MyISAM tables. They all had to be the same, there was no parallel query execution and it saw fairly limited use. One of the main benefits was that then you could actually put more rows in a MyISAM table than your “files up to 2/4GB” file system allowed. With the advent of partitioning, this really should have instantly gone away and been replaced by it. It wasn’t.

It is another MySQL feature that exists likely due to customer demand at the time. It’s not a complete solution by any means, PARTITIONING is way more complete and …

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Where are they now: MySQL Storage Engines

There was once a big hooplah about the MySQL Storage Engine Architecture and how it was easy to just slot in some other method of storage instead of the provided ones. Over the years I’ve repeatedly mentioned how this wasn’t really

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30 configuration options and counting

While Domas may have rather effictively trolled the discussion with his post on howto configure table/user statistics (which gave me a good chuckle I do have to say), it’s at least incorrect for Percona Server as you have to enable the “userstat” server option :)

That being said, once enabled there are no extra configuration variables to think about. This is a huge advantage over configuring PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA - which has a total of THIRTY configuration options (31 if you include the global enable/disable option).

Some of these thirty odd configuration variables are only going to matter if you’re loading your own plugins, and even then, it’s probably only going to matter if they use the MySQL mutex implementations rather than, …

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Refactoring Internal temporary tables (another stab at it)

A few weekends ago, I started to again look at the code in Drizzle for producing internal temporary tables. Basically, we have a few type of tables:

  • Standard
  • Temporary (from CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE)
  • Temporary (from ALTER TABLE)
  • Internal temporary (to help with query execution)

If you’re lucky enough to be creating one of the first three types, you go through an increasingly lovely pile of code that constructs a nice protobuf message about what the table should look like and hands all responsibility over to the storage engine as to how to do that. The basic idea is that Drizzle gets the heck out of the way and lets the storage engine do its thing. This code path looks rather different than what we inherited from MySQL. For a start, we actually have a StorageEngine object rather than just lumping everything into the handler (which we correctly name a Cursor). However… the final …

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