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Displaying posts with tag: libmysqlclient (reset)
Deprecating the mysql_config –libs_r option

As Norvald wrote in his recent post:

A long time ago, libmysqlclient came in two versions: one that was thread safe and one that wasn’t. But that was a long time ago. Since MySQL 5.5, the thread safe libmysqlclient_r library has just been a symlink to the libmysqlclient library, which has been thread safe at least since then.

The client library, part 4: How to write a simple MySQL client in C using CMake and pkg-config

The client library — libmysqlclient — is part of the same source code repository as the server. It comes both as a dynamic link library (.so), also called a shared library, and as a static link library (.a). During the 5.7 development cycle, we’ve made several improvements to the library, which has resulted in a bump from ABI version 18 to version 20.…

The client library, part 3: Building MySQL client applications

The client library — libmysqlclient — is part of the same source code repository as the server. It comes both as a dynamic link library (.so), also called a shared library, and as a static link library (.a). During the 5.7 development cycle, we’ve made several improvements to the library, which has resulted in a bump from ABI version 18 to version 20.…

The Client Library, Part 2: The Version Number

The client library — libmysqlclient — is part of the same source code repository as the server. It comes both as a dynamic link library (.so), also called a shared library, and as a static link library (.a). During the 5.7 development cycle, we’ve made several improvements to the library, which has resulted in a bump from ABI version 18 to version 20.…

The Client Library, Part 1: The API, the Whole API and Nothing but the API

The client library — libmysqlclient — is part of the same source code repository as the server. It comes both as a dynamic link library (.so), also called a shared library, and as a static link library (.a). During the 5.7 development cycle, we’ve made several improvements to the library, which has resulted in a bump from ABI version 18 to version 20.…

Information on the SSL connection vulnerability of MySQL and MariaDB

Last  week, a SSL connection security vulnerability was reported for MySQL and MariaDB. The vulnerability states that since MariaDB and MySQL do not enforce SSL when SSL support is enabled, it’s possible to launch Man In The Middle attacks (MITM). MITM attacks can capture the secure connection and turn it into an insecure one, revealing data going back and forth to the server.

Issue resolution in MariaDB is visible through the corresponding ticket in MariaDB’s tracking system (JIRA):

The vulnerability affects the client library of the database server in both MariaDB and MySQL. But, the vulnerability does not affect all the libraries, drivers or connectors for establishing SSL connections with the server.

The vulnerability exists when the connection to the server is done through the client …

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Secrets of mysqlnd Presentation

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At the recent New York PHP Group in New York, I gave a presentation on “Secrets of mysqlnd”. While there are no real “secrets” of the new MySQL Native Driver for PHP, available in PHP 5.3, and the default for PHP 5.4+ replacing libmysqlclient, there are new features of the driver many are unaware of. If you have ever had to fight the gods with compiling a particular version of PHP with the right libmysqlclient dependency, the good news is that legacy requirement is no longer necessary.

Some of the topics discussed in detail included support for read/write splitting and load balancing with existing applications, …

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configure: error: mysql_config executable not found

If your compiling a product that includes a dependency of MySQL, you can easily get the error

configure: error: mysql_config executable not found

I generally don’t see this problem, because I use MySQL binary tar files, however if you use MySQL packages, such as Ubuntu, you can easily miss the required dependency.

My currently installed MySQL packages on this Ubuntu machine are:

$ sudo dpkg -l | grep mysql
ii  libdbd-mysql                               0.8.2-1-4.1                               MySQL database server driver for libdbi
ii  libdbd-mysql-perl                          4.008-1                                   A Perl5 database interface to the MySQL data
ii  libmysqlclient15off                        5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10.2            MySQL database client library
ii  libmysqlclient16                           5.1.31-1ubuntu2                           MySQL database client library
ii  libqt4-sql-mysql …
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