This post is likely gonna get less relevant when Magento 2 comes out, but I decided to put it out there any way. In my limited time working with Magento I’ve come across a couple scenario’s I wanted to touch on. Hope it’s helpful for anyone.
Let say a merchant wants a new Magento online store. Now, there are a couple scenario’s that are likely or less likely:
- The previous store was built with Magento. Customers can easily be imported using the various tools available (Magmi, import/export, dataflow, etc.)
- The previous store was built on a platform that stores passwords in plaintext - fortunately this is not very likely ;)
- The previous store was built on a different platform, using different hashing algorithms.
- The previous store was built on a different platform which happens to use the same hashing algorithm as Magento,
- A combination of #3 and #4 (yes - I’ve seen it). …