We don’t pay enough attention to Hadoop.
By “we” I mean DBAs, the rest of the world is paying plenty of
attention to Hadoop. Recently, I started asking my customers
and fellow DBAs about Hadoop adoption in their company. Turns out
that many of them have Hadoop. Hadoop shows up in large companies
and small ones, in established industries and in startups. Its
The way Hadoop shows up in all companies, and the way DBAs don’t
pay Hadoop much attention, reminds me a lot of how MySQL started
showing up in the enterprise. It didn’t start by DBAs showing up
one morning and telling their managers:
“There’s this new open source database. Its not as stable as
Oracle and it doesn’t have all the features we need, but man –
its going to save us tons of money, and its pretty simple to
Nope, this never happened. What happened instead is that
developers learned about MySQL, and it seemed …
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