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Displaying posts with tag: vault (reset)
Using the keyring_vault Plugin with Percona Server for MySQL 5.7

This is the first of a two-part series on using the keyring_vault plugin with Percona Server for MySQL 5.7. The second part, Backing up Percona Server for MySQL with keyring_vault plugin enabledwalks through how to use Percona Xtrabackup to backup from this instance and restore to another server and set it up as a slave with keyring_vault plugin.

What is the keyring_vault plugin?

The keyring_vault is a plugin that allows the database to interface with a Hashicorp Vault server to store and secure encryption keys. The Vault server then acts as a centralized encryption key management solution which is critical for security and for compliance with various security standards.

Configuring Vault

Create SSL certificates to be used by Vault. You can use …

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Authenticating Vault Against LDAP for Accessing MySQL Through ProxySQL

Earlier this year, I was presented with the challenge of streamlining user access to MySQL, allowing users self-serve access using their LDAP credentials, while logging all access. Of course, various MySQL forks allow for user auditing, but the solution is also needed to eventually support other data storage systems without native user auditing. This gave me the opportunity to do a trial integration of MySQL, Vault, ProxySQL, and LDAP; Vault would be used to dynamically create user accounts, and ProxySQL would be used to limit access and log activity. To evaluate the functionality and configuration of the integration, I used Docker to set up a test environment.

Below I will present the methods used to:

  1. Provision the Docker environment.
  2. Configure OpenLDAP.
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Using Vault with MySQL

Using Vault with MySQL

In my previous post I discussed using GPG to secure your database credentials. This relies on a local copy of your MySQL client config, but what if you want to keep the credentials stored safely along with other super secret information? Sure, GPG could still be used, but there must be an easier way to do this.

This post will look at a way to use Vault to store your credentials in a central location and use them to access your database. For those of you that have not yet come across Vault, it is a great way to manage your secrets – securing, storing and tightly controlling access. It has the added benefits of being able to handle leasing, key revocation, key rolling and auditing.

During this blog post we’ll accomplish the following …

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Dynamic MySQL Credentials with Vault

Recently I have been looking at the Vault project as a means to manage secrets for applications and end-users. One of the use cases that immediately drew my attention was the ability to create dynamic role-based MySQL credentials.

Why Dynamic MySQL Credentials?

There are a few reasons why dynamic credentials would be beneficial, all of which can be handled by Vault, including:

  • The database environment is too large to manage individual users.
  • A need to authenticate on an external service, such as LDAP or GitHub organization.
  • Provide credentials to external resources, such as auditors or outside consultants that automatically expire.
  • Compliance requirements for strict audit logs for database access.

A High-Level Overview of Vault

Vault is a fairly new project by HashiCorp, the folks behind projects …

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