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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL Indexes (reset)
How to Find Duplicate, Unused, and Invisible Indexes in MySQL

This blog was originally published in January 2023 and was updated in April 2024. MySQL index is a data structure used to optimize the performance of database queries at the expense of additional writes and storage space to keep the index data structure up to date. It is used to quickly locate data without having […]

Basic Housekeeping for MySQL Indexes

In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the basic housekeeping steps for MySQL indexes.

We all know that indexes can be the difference between a high-performance database and a bad/slow/painful query ride. It’s a critical part that needs deserves some housekeeping once in a while. So, what should you check? In no particular order, here are some things to look at:

1. Unused indexes

With sys schema, is pretty easy to find unused indexes: use the schema_unused_indexes view.

mysql> select * from sys.schema_unused_indexes;
| object_schema | object_name     | index_name  |
| world         | City …
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Multi Range Read (MRR) in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5

This is the second blog post in the series of blog posts leading up to the talk comparing the optimizer enhancements in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5. This blog post is aimed at the optimizer enhancement Multi Range Read (MRR). Its available in both MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5

Now let’s take a look at what this optimization actually is and what benefits it brings.

Multi Range Read

With traditional secondary index lookups, if the columns that are being fetched do not belong to the secondary index definition (and hence covering index optimization is not used), then primary key lookups have to be performed for each secondary key entry fetched. This means that secondary key lookups for column values that do not belong to the secondary index definition can result in a lot of Random I/O. The …

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Index Condition Pushdown in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5 and its performance impact

I have been working with Peter in preparation for the talk comparing the optimizer enhancements in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5. We are taking a look at and benchmarking optimizer enhancements one by one. So in the same way this blog post is aimed at a new optimizer enhancement Index Condition Pushdown (ICP). Its available in both MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5

Now let’s take a look briefly at what this enhancement actually is, and what is it aimed at.

Index Condition Pushdown

Traditional B-Tree index lookups have some limitations in cases such as range scans, where index parts after the part on which range condition is applied cannot be used for filtering records. For example, suppose you have a key defined as:

KEY `i_l_partkey` …
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Better Indexes $ave You Money

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Can database performance improvements be achieved with zero code changes? Learn how to use one simple advanced technique to make better MySQL indexes and improve your queries by 500% or more. Even with a highly indexed schema as shown in our 10 table join example, significant improvements in performance can be achieved.

This presentation introduces the approach for correct identification and verification of problem SQL statements and then describes the means of identifying index choices for optimization. Then discussed is not only how to apply indexes to improve query performance, but how to apply better indexes and provide even great performance gains.

This presentation …

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