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Displaying posts with tag: Website Monitoring (reset)
E-commerce – Uptime and Web apps are the keys

Since 2011 e-commerce has grown from $856,000,000.00 to closing out 2013 at more than $1,248,000,000,000.00 in global revenues, a nearly 41% growth rate over a two year span. The forecast for 2014  is targeted at $1,500,000,000,000.00, another 20% increase is gross revenues (see chart below). With trillions of dollars in play year on year now, and astounding revenue growth rates still ahead, it is critical that any e-commerce site be diligently monitoring not just their website uptime, but more importantly their Web applications. Obviously it is critical that your customers be able to get to your website, but if it doesn’t build fast and complete client requests and transactions even faster then you will be losing clients and revenue at an alarming rate. The latest figures show that if your site doesn’t do a full page load in 3 seconds or less, …

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Missed Any of our Changes Over The Last Three Months?

Here at Monitis, we’re on a mission to not only build the best product but also, at the same time, make it more user-friendly. We listen to your feedback and suggestions and take various steps to improve our services, tools and features to make YOUR life easier. In any given week, you can see a new feature or update in your Monitis dashboard. Here’s some of the stuff we’ve added since our last newsletter, three months ago. Stay-up-to-date and see all that we have to offer by reading about all our changes below:


M3 code refactor & DBI support

Pluggable M3 (Monitis Monitor Manager) Framework

Who needs an introduction about M3? – Perhaps no one!
After gaining some reputation with M3, providing extra-easy integration of any monitor into Monitis it was time to take it to the next level.

Generally speaking, the work flow of M3 was described in detail in this article.

After some thought and design, we’ve decided it’d be best if M3 was pluggable. Pluggable in terms of being able to easily add execution and parsing plugins.
The interface and behavior of M3 …

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Summary of Blog Posts for Week of July 11

I hope everyone is enjoying summertime, at least in the northern hemisphere. I’m about to head out to the pool, but before I go, here is a summary of this week’s blog posts.

1. Introduction to Perl interface for Monitis API
Monitis announces a simple way to access its API through Perl, a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. This post demonstrates some examples for using the API with Perl and describes some of the benefits of the programming language. The source can be found on our Github page.

2. 101 Tips to MySQL Tuning and Optimization

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Summary of Blog Posts for Week of June 25

We make a lot of posts that give IT tips and advice, as well as recommendations on how to use Monitis, so here is a summary of the posts for this week in case you missed them.

Monitoring IIS With VBScript via Monitis; It’s so Easy!

This post demonstrates how to monitor an IIS using Monitis Custom Monitors and VBscript. You can use the Monitis API to monitor your own custom metrics. This is very powerful because it lets you monitor any IIS metrics you like, set thresholds and receive notifications.

Top 4 Software Based IIS Server Performance Tips

These 4 …

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