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Displaying posts with tag: ndb (reset)
New Open Query training days in Australia

The favourite Open Query course modules as well as reworked and brand new ones, with November/December 2009 dates for Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne listed below. You can register for days/modules individually, to suit your time, budget and current needs. Your trainers are Sean, Ray and Arjen (see OQ people).

For the Canberra and Melbourne days which are DBA/HA, registrations for all of the modules in a series before 15 October will receive a copy of the “High Performance MySQL” book (normal bookstore price is AUD 105).


  • Thu 5 Nov: MySQL High Availability – Strategy and Tools
  • Fri 6 Nov: MySQL Cluster …
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NDB Kernel size over releases

So Jonas pointed out that the NDB kernel hasn’t changed too much in size over releases. Let’s have a look:

In fact, the size went down slightly from 4.1 to 5.0. In this, 6.4 and 7.0 are the same thing but appear twice for completeness.

You can see the raw results in the spreadsheet here.

Feedback from MySQL Cluster tutorial

Way back on Monday (at the MySQL Conference and Expo), I gave a full day tutorial on MySQL Cluster. I awoke early in the morning to a “oh ha ha” URL in an IM; but no, it wasn’t jetlag playing tricks with me. Luckily, this didn’t take much (if anything) away from the purpose of the day: teaching people about NDB.

Distracting-and-this-time-really-annoying-thing-of-the-day-2: It seems that O’Reilly had cut back on power this year, and there were no power boards in the room. A full day interactive tutorial, and nowhere to plug in laptops. Hrrm.. Luckily, having over the many years I’ve been speaking at this event, I’ve gotten to …

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Data on MySQL Performance

If you like to sift through tons of benchmark data about various
MySQL versions, Dimitri at the Sun Benchmark Labs have published
a serious amount of benchmark data in a report published here.

The report shows that the new MySQL 5.4.0 release
have a very good performance. The report also shows how the day
of a developer of performance improvements and the massive amount
of benchmark data that needs to be analysed and sifted through
to understand the impact of new performance improvements.

I personally met Dimitri the first time in 2002 when I was working
together with him for a couple of weeks on a benchmark on NDB Cluster
(the storage engine of MySQL Cluster). Our goal then was to perform
1 million reads per second on a 72-cpu SPARC box with …

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MySQL Cluster Tutorial

This year I am again giving a MySQL Cluster Tutorial at the MySQL Conference and Expo. As those who have attended before can tell you, this is a hands on tutorial. I don’t just stand up the front and talk at you for a day, that would be very boring (for all of us). While there is a good amount of presented material (there is a decent amount of theory to get through), there is a large component that involves setting up a cluster, putting data in, getting data out, backup, restore.

So if you’re wanting to learn about MySQL Cluster in a nice and friendly hands-on environment, I can recommend coming to my tutorial.

The tutorial isn’t the be-all and end-all tutorial. It does not teach you everything. It does give you a decent introduction though. 2009 wrap-up (incl Open Source Databases Mini-conf): Day 0-1

It’s no secret that I love My first was 2003, in Perth and I’ve been to every one since (there are at least two people who’ve been to every single one, including CALU as it was called in 1999).

I’ve been on the board of Linux Australia for some insane proportion of the years since then (joining in 2003). Linux Australia is the not-for-profit community organisation that puts on It’s all volunteers and amazingly enough we have more than one group of people wanting to put on each year!

This year, we Marched South to Hobart.

Here I detail what I saw, what I wish I …

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row id in MySQL and Drizzle (and the engines)

Some database engines have a fundamental concept of a row id. The row id is everything you need to know to locate a row. Common uses include secondary indexes (key is what’s indexed, value is rowid which you then use to lookup the row).

One design is the InnoDB method of having secondary indexes have the value in the index be the primary key of the row. Another is to store the rowid instead. Usually (or often… or sometimes…) rowid is much smaller than the pkey of the row. This is how innodb can answer some queries just out of the index. If it used rowid, it may involve more IO to answer the query. All this is irrelevant if you never want just the primary key from a secondary index.

Some engines are designed from the start to have rowid, others it’s added later (e.g. NDB).

Anyway… all beside the point. Did you know you can do this in mysql or drizzle:

drizzle> create table t1 (a int primary key);
Query …
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getarg calls srand() ???


Guess what? It calls srand(time(NULL)) in getarg(). Why you ask? well.. what you want to be able to when specifying a flag is have it be true, false or it could “maybe” be set.

That’s right kids… maybe.

I’m sure it’s used somewhere in our test suite to get coverage on different things.. but umm.. yeah, interesting discovery for today.

Accessing your MySQL data whatever way you want it (Part 2, InnoDB)

In the previous post we had a look at the MySQL Cluster NDB API and how it enables direct access to the MySQL Cluster data nodes, and therefore also enables access through other protocols than SQL.

I've often asked myself: Since NDB is so great for MySQL Cluster, is there anything similar for MySQL Server (the not-cluster version...)? A couple of months ago Kazuho Oku did something like that and wrote in his blog about it.

The context for Kazuho's work is the social network use case: 1) You have users. 2) Some users are linked to each others as friends. 3) When a user logs in, he should see a timeline of events/messages from his friends. In a previous post he had already tested the difference between a …

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Accessing your MySQL data whatever way you want it (Part 2, InnoDB)

In the previous post we had a look at the MySQL Cluster NDB API and how it enables direct access to the MySQL Cluster data nodes, and therefore also enables access through other protocols than SQL.

I've often asked myself: Since NDB is so great for MySQL Cluster, is there anything similar for MySQL Server (the not-cluster version...)? A couple of months ago Kazuho Oku did something like that and wrote in his blog about it.

The context for Kazuho's work is the social network use case: 1) You have users. 2) Some users are linked to each others as friends. 3) When a user logs in, he should see a timeline of events/messages from his friends. In a previous post he had already tested the difference between a …

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