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Displaying posts with tag: ndb (reset)
NoSQL to MySQL with Memcached

The ever increasing performance demands of web-based services has generated significant interest in providing NoSQL access methods to MySQL - enabling users to maintain all of the advantages of their existing relational database infrastructure, while providing blazing fast performance for simple queries, using an API to complement regular SQL access to their data.

The HandlerSocket development at DeNA is a great example of community innovation, with a solution implemented as a custom plug-in and protocol for the MySQL server daemon.

We are hearing the community say they want NotOnly SQL - they want their trusted SQL RDBMS - plus, they want NoSQL techniques to access that data. So, we are previewing our NotOnlySQL solution for MySQL - delivered via memcached - with implementations to access both the InnoDB and MySQL Cluster (NDB) storage …

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MySQL Cluster 7.2 Development Milestone Release - NoSQL with Memcached and 20x Higher JOIN Performance

The announcements at the Oracle Collaborate and O'Reilly MySQL conferences mark an exciting milestone in the development of the MySQL Cluster database.

MySQL Cluster is already proven as a write-scalable, real-time transactional database, combining 99.999% availability with the low TCO of open source. With a distributed, multi-master architecture and no single point of failure, MySQL Cluster scales horizontally on commodity hardware to serve read and write intensive workloads.

With these enhancements announced in the Development Milestone Release, MySQL Cluster can be extended to serve a broader range of workloads.

Summary of Key Enhancements

The MySQL Cluster 7.2 Development Milestone Release and latest builds deliver enhancements based on input from the community and customers, including support for the memcached NoSQL API, faster JOIN performance and simplified administration:

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NoSQL to MySQL with Memcached

The ever increasing performance demands of web-based services has generated significant interest in providing NoSQL access methods to MySQL - enabling users to maintain all of the advantages of their existing relational database infrastructure, while providing blazing fast performance for simple queries, using an API to complement regular SQL access to their data.

The HandlerSocket development at DeNA is a great example of community innovation, with a solution implemented as a custom plug-in and protocol for the MySQL server daemon.

We are hearing the community say they want NotOnly SQL - they want their trusted SQL RDBMS - plus, they want NoSQL techniques to access that data. So, we are previewing our NotOnlySQL solution for MySQL - delivered via memcached - with implementations to access both the InnoDB and MySQL Cluster (NDB) storage …

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Checkpoint handling enhancements in Cluster 7.1 -or- *Ding Dong* GCP Stop is dead!

One of the tasks that a data node must perform reliably is the Global Check Point. That is, to flush the transaction redo log to disk. The GCP completion must be synchronized on all data nodes in order to maintain a consistent end point for recovery. A "GCP Stop" is detected when a new checkpoint cannot commit the redo log to disk because the previous one has not finished. Since MySQL Cluster's primary target audience has long been those wanting a real-time database with deterministic performance it was better to just shutdown a node that is not keeping up than to allow it to slow down the entire system.

One way to encounter the GCP Stop is with very large transactions. It is recommended to commit frequently to avoid deadlocks anyway so it is also recommend in this case to avoid GCP stop. However, with the usage of new features such as ndbmtd and on-disk tablespaces, the number of transactions to be flushed to disk during one GCP goes …

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Review of High Availability MySQL Cookbook by Packt Publishing

A few months ago, I reviewed MySQL Admin Cookbook. Today I am reviewing High Availability MySQL Cookbook from Packt Publishing by Alex Davies. Overall, I found the book to contain some good hidden Gems.

The book is a mixture of MySQL Cluster (NDB), Replication schemes, some performance tuning, some minor kernel tweaking, and some more exotic approaches to common High Availability problems. Overall, I found this book very informative and a good read.
Now the specifics, the book starts out on NDB and stays focused on this fact for about 60% of the book. The next 20% is on mySQL replication then about 10% of the book is on tweaking kernel, mysql, network settings to get the most out of …

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So there’s a bit of a swelling around the idea of NoSQL. That is, databases that don’t have an SQL interface in front of them – with the promise of better performance. With a well designed backend, this is no doubt the case.

A flexible query language is rather useful though. I think we’ll see the rise of AlsoSQL. That is systems that present a fast and simple protocol along with a SQL interface.

This hybrid system has seen use for many years. MySQL Cluster is one such example. SQL through MySQL Server, NoSQL through NDB API.

With Drizzle, I feel we’ll be in a pretty good position to offer non-sql based protocols and access methods to existing storage engines.

Continuing the journey

A couple of months ago (December 1st for those playing along at home) it marked five years to the day that I started at MySQL AB (now Sun, now Oracle). A good part of me is really surprised it was for that long and other parts surprised it wasn’t longer. Through MySQL and Sun, I met some pretty amazing people, worked with some really smart ones and formed really solid and awesome friendships. Of course, not everything was perfect (sometimes not even close), but we did have some fun.

Up until November 2008 (that’s 3 years and 11 months for those playing at home) I worked on MySQL Cluster. Still love the product and love how much better we’re making Drizzle so it’ll be the best SQL interface to NDB :)

The ideas behind …

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NDB$INFO with SQL hits beta

Bernhard blogged over at that MySQL Cluster 7.1.1 Beta has been released. The big feature (from my point of view) is the SQL interface on top of NDB$INFO. This means there is now full infrastructure from the NDB data nodes right out to SQL in the MySQL Server for adding monitoring to any bit of the internals of the data nodes.

Drizzle FRM replacement: the table proto

Drizzle originally inherited the FRM file from MySQL (which inherited it from UNIREG). The FRM file stores metadata about a table; what columns it has, what type those columns are, what indexes, any default values, comments etc are all stored in the FRM. In the days of MyISAM, this worked relatively well. The row data was stored in table.MYD, indexes on top of it in table.MYI and information about the format of the row was
in table.FRM. Since MyISAM itself wasn’t crash safe, it didn’t really matter if creating/deleting the FRM file along with the table was either.

As more sophisticated engines were introduced (e.g. InnoDB) that had their own data dictionary, there started to be more of a problem. There were now two places storing information about a table: the FRM file and the data dictionary specific to the engine. Even if the data dictionary of the storage engine was crash safe, the FRM file was not plugged into that, so you …

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NDB API examples, the trivia to make ndbapi_scan works!

When I did NDB Cluster engagements, it happened a few time that I had to cover the NDB API. Once, a customer asked an example on how to perform a simple scan. Remembering that some examples are within the NDB source tree, under ./storage/ndb/ndbapi-examples/ and I decided to take a look, why writing something when a good example already exists... I was not expecting what I found!

1. Missing headers

$ make
g++ -g -O0 -c -Wall -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -I/usr/include -I../../../../include -I../../../../storage/ndb/include -I../../../../storage/ndb/include/ndbapi ndbapi_scan.cpp
ndbapi_scan.cpp: In constructor ‘Car::Car()’:
ndbapi_scan.cpp:111: error: ‘memset’ was not declared in this scope
ndbapi_scan.cpp: In function ‘void drop_table(MYSQL&)’:
ndbapi_scan.cpp:124: error: ‘exit’ was not declared in this scope
ndbapi_scan.cpp: In function ‘void …

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Showing entries 71 to 80 of 96
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