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Displaying posts with tag: Nagios (reset)
Monitoring MySQL

The slides for my Monitoring MySQL talk , which I gave earlier today in an overcrowded MySQl Developersroom at Fosdem are now online, both at my site and at Slideshare

As of now I actually expect people to use those slides for schoolwork or next year in a main Fosdem track :)
As afterall that is the goal of Open Source and spreading the word ..

MySQL Monitoring Shoot Out View more presentations from Kris Buytaert. (tags: mysql

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Nagios Monitoring

[inline:nagios-pic.png] Tag1 offers hosted Nagios monitoring, tuned for database servers. We offer monitoring of not just uptime and disk space, but MySQL performance metrics, such as InnoDB Buffer Pool Hitrate and MyISAM Index Usage. Our Nagios instance can not only notify you of service impacting problems, but of performance issues and signs that a service failure maybe coming in the future. We like to think of this as preventative monitoring.

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Do we want an Open Source MySQL Monitoring tool ?

Matt Reid wants to know what we want in an Open Source MySQL monitoring solution ?

He is working on the second incarnation of Monolith and wants input from the MySQL community.

Now for me the bigger question is if we want an isolated tool that runs stand alone, or a tool which we can integrate it in something we already have.

To me there is a difference between a tool that I want to use to debug my environment, such as Mytop or MySQL Activity Report, in that case I need some tool that quickly installs with little dependencies and little impact.

On the other side I want a tool that is constantly there, that tells me about trends and performance history. But there I don't want an isolated toool, I want something fully integrated where I can correlate different measurements from disk io, memory usage etc , that tool should also tell me about the …

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Setting up MySQL monitoring with Nagios

It’s been a while since my last post! I have a few half-written entries, but I figured I just get one out there so I don’t appear to have dropped off the face of the planet

Being more of a DBA than a sysadmin myself, I’ve noticed that there is a surprising dearth of information regarding how to actually get nagios set up to monitor MySQL, especially if you’re not experienced with nagios.

In my own experience, MySQL monitoring often ends up being a homegrown thing, especially if you’re a small shop. It is definitely a good idea to consolidate all of your monitoring, DB-related or not, into one solution: roll-your-own monitoring solutions can be brittle and burn you in the end. One example that comes to mind, a few years back i had a quick perl-based script to monitor replication and set it to mail a few people based on some threshold. Took me 1 hour to write and worked well enough, except, six months later, when some …

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Netways Nagios Conference 2008

The Netways Nagios Conference 2008 in Nürnberg (DE) was opened today by Ethan Galstad, creator of Nagios. He gave an overview of how Nagios evolved and the steady growth of the monthly downloads, now reaching 16k!
The Nagios 3.0 overview was quite nice. Apparently lots of effort was put in optimizing it for bigger setups, like doing host checks in parallel and changing internal structures not using linked lists.Great was also to hear that the web interface is being revamped, as well as the Embedded Perl becoming some kind of plugin, called Event Broker Modules. This is however for the next experimental versions (v3.).NRPE/NSCA are probably doomed to go into maintenance. Ethan said they would likely be replaced by more standard protocols and web services.
MySQL was mentioned when the NDOUtils were …

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Linux Symposium

As Tom and I will be heading to Ottawa for OLS Tomorrow you can expect some active blogging here this week..

That is if we can manage to find quality Wifi and our batteries last long enough..
before we find power :)

Anyway .. I`ll be heading to the Virtualization Mini Summit on tuesday, and then of to the big conference.

I`ll be presenting twice, once on the miniconf about openQRM4 and Tom and I will be presenting our findings comparing different monitoring tools such as Nagios, Hyperic, Zabbix , Zenoss and others at OLS itselve.

But don't hesitate to talk to me about other interresting topics such as MySQL or Drupal :)

Now first we have to cross a couple of borders, and an ocean :)

Using Nagios as a MySQL Performance Profiler

Everybody knows than Nagios can be used as a service monitor to monitor things like Load Averages, MySQL Replication Status, RAID Array States, etc… Fewer know that there are plug-ins to monitor MySQL Performance Status, such as check_mysql_perf. Fewer still utilize Nagios’ built-in triggering mechanism to execute an additional script on the event of [...]

Summary of beCamp 2008

Yesterday I went to beCamp 2008 along with four roomfuls of other people interested in technology (perhaps close to 100 people total). The conference was a lot of fun. Not everything went as planned, but that was as planned. This was an Open Spaces conference and I thought it worked very well. From an email Eric Pugh sent:

Basically it all boils down to:

Open Space is the Law of Two Feet: if anyone finds themselves in a place where they are neither learning nor contributing they should move to somewhere more productive. And from the law flow four principles:

  • Whoever comes are the right people
  • Whatever happens is the only thing that could have
  • Whenever it starts is the right time
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MySQL Conference Liveblogging: Monitoring Tools (Wednesday 5:15PM)
  • Tom Hanlon of MySQL presents
  • monitoring tool basics
  • basic tools
    • mysqladmin is provided with the server
      • mysqladmin -i 10 extended status: will repeat the same command every 10 seconds. Pipe through grep "and smoke it" (bad pun, hah hah)
      • -r: show only changed values
    • MySQL Administrator
  • cacti
    • rrdtool based network graphing tool
    • uses snmp
    • PHP apache and MySQL based solution
    • MySQL plugins, download and install
    • "poller" gathers data and populates the graphs
    • someone offers …
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The Little ?3? of Open Source Systems Management?

Last year open source analyst Michael Coté of Redmonk coined the term Little Four to describe four up-and-coming open source management vendors and as a foil to the Big Four of systems management.

In the open source space, the 4 names that come up each time ? usually from people I?m talking with even before I say anything ? are: Zenoss, Hyperic, GroundWorks, and openQRM.

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