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Displaying posts with tag: Development (reset)
Ubuntu: Steps to install/update MySQL to the latest DMR

For learning, testing and keep up with things, one might want to install/update the MySQL version to the latest DMR (Development Milestone Release). At the time of this writing the latest DMR for MySQL is  MySQL Community Server 5.7.8-rc. Having chosen Ubuntu server as my operating system and since this is a development version hence not yet part of an official Ubuntu release, you have to install

MySQL sample databases: for testing and training

Sometimes it's useful to have a set of data prepared to be used on a fresh MySQL install for testing purposes. Or you might be preparing some training or workshop and want to prepare examples with fake information. For MySQL there are some choices available:

Employees Sample Database: provides a combination of a large base of data (approximately 160MB) spread over six separate tables and

Print tab separated values as table using MySQL

Using mysql command line utility to get recordsets, the data rows alignment and line breaks are often  a mess. You can use the command line tool on a mysql database server to get a set of rows into an output TSV file like so: shell> mysql -u your_user -p < your_statement.sql > data.csv I came up with the following python script to grab the output file and pretty print:

You can put your own

MySQL 5.7 : no more password column!

Maintaining a project like MySQL::Sandbox is sometimes tiring, but it has its advantages. One of them is that everything related to the server setup comes to my attention rather earlier than if I were an average DBA or developer.

I try to keep MySQL Sandbox up to date with every release of MySQL and (to a lesser extent) MariaDB [1]. For this reason, I am used to trying a new release with MySQL Sandbox, and … seeing it fail.

Of the latest changes in MySQL, probably the most disruptive was what happened in MySQL 5.7.6, where the mysql.user table lost the password column.

Yep. No ‘password’ column anymore. And just to make the setup procedure harder, the syntax of SET PASSWORD

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MySQL User Camp @ Bangalore on 26th June

MySQL India team is back with another MySQL user camp.

The day of the week, time and venue remains the same:

Date: Jun 26th, 2015

Day : Friday

Time: 3-5:30 pm

Place: OC001, Block1, B wing, Kalyani Magnum Infotech Park, J.P Nagar, 7th Phase Bangalore, India

During our previous meetings we were requested by our attendees that they would like to hear about implementation of GTID by the MySQL community. We have listened to you and requested a community member to talk about their experience with the implementation of  GTID. Our first talk is :

  • MySQL Tools Usage in Rakuten and Overview of Replication GTIDs

There is also a lot of interest in our new delivery vehicles for MySQL packages. Using the new YUM repos you can stay up to date with the latest MySQL releases. You need not  wait for your distro to update MySQL in their release …

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Happy to see this MySQL JSON momentum !

Last week at Percona Live Facebook has presented for the first time Docstore which is a native JSON implementation in MySQL. Oracle has also presented their MySQL 5.7 lab release that includes the implementation of a native JSON type. This is an important move as MySQL was behind other other RDMS regarding JSON (PostgreSQL already [...]

Select from a mariaDB table into JSON format ?

Can we output content of a mariaDB table into JSON using the CONNECT Storage Engine ? MariaDB and MySQL are not currently JSON friendly databases. The usage of JSON in MySQL is almost inexistent with the excetion of the explain JSON output and of MariaDB dynamic column dump. There also exist a few udf (in [...]

MySQL Character encoding – part 2

In MySQL Character encoding – part 1 we stated that the myriad of ways in which character encoding can be controlled can lead to many situations where your data may not be available as expected.

UTF8 was designed on a placemat in a New Jersey diner one night in September or so 1992.

Setting MySQL Client and Server Character encoding.

Lets restart MySQL with the correct setting for our purpose, UTF8. Here we can see the setting in the MySQL configuration file, in this case /etc/mysql/my.cnf.

character-set-server = utf8

This change is then reflected in the session and global variables once the instance is restarted with the new configuration parameter.

mysql> SELECT …
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Table and tablespace encryption on MariaDB 10.1.3


For the moment, the only engines that fully support encryption are XtraDB and InnoDB. The Aria storage engine also supports encryption, but only for temporary tables.

MariaDB supports 2 different way to encrypt data in InnoDB/XtraDB:

  1. Specified table encryption: Only tables which you create with PAGE_ENCRYPTION=1 are encrypted. This feature was created by eperi.
  2. Tablespace encryption: Everything is encrypted (including log files). This feature was created by Google and is based on their MySQL branch.

InnoDB Specified Table Encryption

Specified Table encryption means that you choose which tables to encrypt. This allows you to balance security with speed. To use table encryption, you have …

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MariaDB Connectors moved to github

Good bye bzr, welcome git!

After latest releases we moved development of MariaDB Connectors for C, ODBC and Java from launchpad to github.

The connector repositories can be found under


Feel free to watch, fork and contribute!

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