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Displaying posts with tag: oscon (reset)
Speaking in the US - San Francisco User Group - Community Summit - OSCON
On July 15th and 16th I will be in San Francisco for a few meetings, and it will be my pleasure to meet the San Francisco MySQL User Group, where I will talk about MySQL Sandbox.
From there, I will continue to Portland, to attend the Community Leadership Forum and, of course OSCON, where I will have three talks: two in the main event, and one at the Intel booth.

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Upcoming speaking engagements: Grazer Linuxtage and amoocon

As I already wrote, I will be speaking at the MySQL Conference & Expo in Santa Clara in two weeks and I am excited to be there again. This year's conference is going to be interesting for a number of reasons, but most importantly I think that the schedule looks great! This is going to be a "drinking from the firehose of MySQL knowledge" event. Afterwards, I'll be on parental leave in May and June, so I likely will miss a lot of great conferences – these months are usually quite packed, as our Open Source Events Calendar can confirm. I just received a notice that my talk submission …

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A Remote-Attendee’s Look at OSCON

Another year and another successful OSCON has been concluded. While I didn’t attend this year’s conference, let me hereby offer some reflections — basing it on reading blogs and talking to attendees both in person and over Twitter (I’m glad to see both the @MySQL and @MySQL_Community Twitter accounts have a large and quickly growing list of followers).

Let me start by highlighting the 2009 Google O’Reilly Open Source Awards. First on the list is Brian Aker, who is recognised as …

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Getting started with Gearman

Gearman is an open source generic framework for distributed processing. At OSCON 2009 I attended the Gearman: Build Your Own Distributed Platform in 3 Hours tutorial.

While it’s very easy to install Gearman, and follow the first example, if you missed the all important additional PHP steps listed on just one slide you may be left with the “‘Class ‘GearmanClient’ not found” error.

The following are detailed instructions for the installation and configuration of Gearman and PHP on Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty.

Add the Drizzle PPA to get pre-packaged versions of Gearman.

cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.orig
echo "deb intrepid main
deb-src intrepid main" …
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OSCON: The saga of MySQL

At OSCON in 2006, I followed sessions that discussed how open source companies would fare when big corporations come in. Back then there were only a handful of examples of big companies purchasing small open source companies. Three years later, we've witnessed MySQL AB get swallowed by Sun, only to have Sun be swallowed by Oracle. Now there are more open questions than ever and at least three versions of MySQL that are jockeying to continue the MySQL blood-line. Yesterday I attended talks by two of these groups and I have to wonder how the MySQL game will play itself out over time.

The first talk I attended was: "Drizzle: Status, Principles, and Ecosystem" where a number of Drizzle developers shared their thoughts about this project. …

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MariaDB, ODBA and MP at #OSCon

We've been mingling here for 4 days already, but today the official part of OSCon kicks off. At Monty Program we've been a bit late in preparing for this conference - busy getting started with the company and everything. But even if we were a bit late, we succeeded in lining up a good set of sessions.

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OScon so far

Sunday morning, in the wee hours of the morning, while packing, I discovered that I didn't know where either my DL or my Passport is. After spending an hour searching, I gave up, and decided to throw myself on the mercy of the TSA. Which I did at the airport. The TSA supervisor checked my credit cards, FlyClear card, corporate ID card, and CostCo card, and then stamped my boarding pass. I only need to do this 3 more times on this trip, and then do a very deep search of my room when I get back.

After I landed at SJC, I discovered that Tim Lord has shared the flight with me. If I had known that ahead of time, I would have let him share my taxi ride from Capitol Hill neighborhood to the SEA airport. As it was, I let him share my ride to San Jose Convention Center. I was actually too early to check into my hotel room. So instead I checked in my luggage, and then went off to find the Postgres Day.

Meeting up with open source …

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OSCON Tutorial - Scaling a web application (mostly PHP/MySQL)

A quick blog post from the OSCON floor where I just finished a 3.5 hour tutorial on "Scaling a Web Application (mostly PHP/MySQL)". To be honest I submitted this talk as a 45 min talk and clicked the wrong button and ended up being handed a tutorial which I think turned out to be a good thing. After all, we could spend days and years talking about scaling.

One of my goals in this presentation wasn't just to talk about tips and examples, but also talk about the general business of scaling and creating scaling plans, scenario planning or capacity planning. This I believe is almost always more important than coming up with the small tips that fix a site when you have a problem!

Thanks to Ronald Bradford for showing up for the last hour of the presentation and helping out, it's good to have help and from a knowledgeable expert as well :)

Slides are now …

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How NPR is Embracing Open Source and Open APIs

News providers, like most content providers, are interested in having their content seen by as many people as possible. But unlike many news organizations, whose primary concern may be monetizing their content, National Public Radio is interested in turning it into a resource for people to use in new and novel ways as well. Daniel Jacobson is in charge making that content available to developers and end users in a wide variety of formats, and has been doing so using an Open API that NPR developed specifically for that purpose. Daniel will talk about how the project is going at OSCON, the O'Reilly Open Source Convention. Here's a preview of what he'll be talking about.

James Turner: Can you start by explaining what NPR Digital Media is …

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Open Source is Infiltrating the Enterprise

There's a persistent perception that open source software is being ignored in the enterprise, that IT management fears it and it ends up being more costly to deploy than proprietary solutions. That's certainly the perception that some major software vendors would like you to have. But it's Jeffrey Hammond's job to dispel those perceptions, at least when they aren't accurate. As an analyst for Forrester Research, Hammond covers the world of software development as well as Web 2.0 and rich internet applications, so he sees how open source is being used on a daily basis. He'll be speaking at OSCON, the O'Reilly Open Source Convention, talking about the true cost of using open source, and he gave us a sample of what's going on in the enterprise at the moment.

James Turner: To begin, can you just talk about the areas you …

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