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Displaying posts with tag: information_schema (reset)
Calculating the InnoDB free space

Recently someone asked my if it's possible to find the total free space within InnoDB. I thought this would be very easy as the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES table has a DATA_FREE column. So we could just use SELECT SUM(DATA_FREE) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES couldn't we?
So what does the DATA_FREE column tell us? It tells us the free data within InnoDB for that particular table. A table can share a tablespace with multiple other tables.
The tablespace which is used by a table depends on whether the innodb_file_per_table was enabled during table creation and/or at the last time the table was rebuild (e.g. by OPTIMIZE TABLE).
If innodb_file_per_table was always disabled then this query probably reports the correct free space:


This is because all tables will share 1 …

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MySQL 5.5's new features

The recently released MySQL 5.6 gets a lot of attention, but for those who are still on 5.5 there is also good news: There are two new features in 5.5.

The first feature is that there are more INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables for InnoDB. This means that it's possible to 'see' what's in the buffer pool. It also makes it possible to get more information about the LRU list.

From the 5.5.28 changelog:
InnoDB: Certain information_schema tables originally introduced in MySQL 5.6 are now also available in MySQL 5.5 and MySQL 5.1: INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE, INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE_LRU, and INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS. (Bug #13113026)

This is in the "Bugs Fixed" section instead of the "Functionality Added or Changed" section, which is a bit weird in my opinion.

The second feature is a variable which makes it …

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Analysing WHER-clauses in INFORMATION_SCHEMA table implemtations

The MySQL Server has a quite simple interface for plugins to create tables inside INFORMATION_SCHEMA. A minimal plugin for creating a table with nothing but a counter might look like this:

static int counter_fill_table(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, Item *cond)
  ulonglong value= 0;
  while (1)
    table->field[0]->store(value++, true);
  return 0;

static ST_FIELD_INFO counter_table_fields[]=
  {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0}

static int counter_table_init(void *ptr)
  ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table= (ST_SCHEMA_TABLE*)ptr;

  schema_table->fields_info= counter_table_fields;
  schema_table->fill_table= counter_fill_table;
  return 0;

static struct st_mysql_information_schema counter_table_info =

  &counter_table_info,          /* type-specific …
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Performance improvements for big INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables

A short while after I fixed the legacy bug that prevented temporary MyISAM tables from using the dynamic record format, I got an email from Davi Arnaut @ Twitter. It turned out that Twitter needed to fix the very same problem, but for the case when INFORMATION_SCHEMA temporary tables use MyISAM.

In short, INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables provide access to database metadata. Despite their name, they are more like views than tables: when you query them, relevant data is gathered from the dictionary and other server internals, not from tables. The gathered data is stored in a temporary table (memory or MyISAM depending on size) and then returned to the user.

The reason Davi emailed me was to let me know that he had further improved the fix for temporary MyISAM tables to also enable the use of dynamic record format for …

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Implementing mysqldump –ignore-database

Ronald Bradford and Giuseppe Maxia (hey guys!) wrote about different ways to ignore a database when using mysqldump –all-databases over the past couple of days.

Whilst the solutions are interesting, I wondered why not attack it from the proper approach, and add the option to mysqldump itself? Honestly, the patch is trivial, and doing anything against INFORMATION_SCHEMA with lots of databases and tables … well let’s just say … group_concat_max_len is the least of your worries..

15 minutes later I had a working solution:

To my surprise, I also found Bug#3228, created a little over 8 years ago.. I’ve posted the patch …

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A few hacks to simulate mysqldump --ignore-database

A few days ago, Ronald Bradford asked for a mysqldump –ignore-database option.

As a workaround, he proposes:

mysqldump --databases `mysql --skip-column-names \
-e "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(schema_name SEPARATOR ' ') \
FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name \
NOT IN ('mysql','performance_schema','information_schema');" \
>` >/mysql/backup/rds2.sql

It's a clever solution, but unfortunately it only works if you have a handful of schemas. If your databases happens to have several dozens (or hundreds or thousands) of schemas (which is where you need this option more), then the output will be truncated to the length of group_concat_max_len (by default, 1024.)

There are two alternative methods.

The all-shell methodThis method lets …

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Advanced InnoDB Deadlock Troubleshooting – What SHOW INNODB STATUS Doesn’t Tell You, and What Diagnostics You Should be Looking At

One common cause for deadlocks when using InnoDB tables is from the existence of foreign key constraints and the shared locks (S-lock) they acquire on referenced rows.

The reason I want to discuss them though is because they are often a bit tricky to diagnose, especially if you are only looking at the SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS output (which might be a bit counter-intuitive since one would expect it to contain this info).

Let me show a deadlock error to illustrate (below is from SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS\g):

111109 20:10:03
TRANSACTION 65839, ACTIVE 19 sec, OS thread id 4264 starting index read
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
LOCK WAIT 6 lock struct(s), heap size 1024, 3 row lock(s), undo log entries 1
MySQL thread id 3, query id 74 localhost root Updating
UPDATE parent SET age=age+1 WHERE id=1
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Monitoring Related OpenWorld Talks

I gave two monitoring related talks at OpenWorld, thanks to all that came along!

Both were monitoring related, the first an introduction to MySQL Enterprise Monitor, and the second a look at some of the new instrumentation that is getting developed, primarily within the MySQL 5.6 release. 

If you'd like to get a quick overview of how MySQL Enterprise Monitor works, then take a look through the "Getting to Know MySQL Enterprise Monitor" talk. This gives you a high level view of how the different pieces fit together, and then each of the important factors within the user interface:

Getting to Know MySQL Enterprise Monitor

And if you are interested in seeing how the instrumentation and monitoring landscape will look when 5.6 hits the streets, then you can get a sneak peak at the …

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Monitoring Related OpenWorld Talks

I gave two monitoring related talks at OpenWorld, thanks to all that came along!

Both were monitoring related, the first an introduction to MySQL Enterprise Monitor, and the second a look at some of the new instrumentation that is getting developed, primarily within the MySQL 5.6 release. 

If you'd like to get a quick overview of how MySQL Enterprise Monitor works, then take a look through the "Getting to Know MySQL Enterprise Monitor" talk. This gives you a high level view of how the different pieces fit together, and then each of the important factors within the user interface:

Getting to Know MySQL Enterprise Monitor

And if you are interested in seeing how the instrumentation and monitoring landscape will look when 5.6 hits the streets, then you can get a sneak peak at the …

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Finding tables without primary keys

I was checking a third party server, and I needed to find if there were tables without primary keys. This is important to know, not only because the lack of primary keys affects performance and data accuracy in general, but also because in row-based replication performance can degrade beyond belief when updating tables without primary keys.Anyway, I did not remember off the bat any method to get this information from a server with thousands of tables, and thus I went to find a solution on my own.My first instinct called for using the COLUMNS table from the INFORMATIOn_SCHEMA, and so I came up with this query, where I sum the number of columns that are inside either a PRIMARY or UNIQUE key and filter only the ones where such sum is zero (i.e. no primary or unique keys):

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