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Displaying posts with tag: contributing (reset)
mylvmbackup-0.11 has been released

Some days ago, I released version 0.11 of mylvmbackup a Perl script that performs consistent backups of a MySQL server by using LVM filesystem snapshots. The source archive as well as a generic RPM can be found on the project home page, packages for many Linux distributions are available on the openSUSE Build service.

This release includes some new functionality as well as numerous bug fixes and improvements, most notably:

  • Added support for using rsnap as a backup backend (Matt Lohier)
  • The documentation is now maintained in POD style instead of asciidoc (Matthew Boehm)
  • Support using non-GNU tar and …
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Celebrating Software Freedom Day in Riga, Latvia

As I mentioned some time ago, Software Freedom Day 08 will take place on Saturday, 20th of September 2008.

Coincidentally, the a large number of Sun/MySQL Engineers and other Sun folks will be in Riga, Latvia for an internal developer meeting around this day. To make use of this opportunity, we plan to give a number of sessions and presentations (in english) about various topics and to contribute to this global celebration of Open Source Software.

We've set up a Team Page on the Software Freedom Day web site for this event - the venue will be the …

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Celebrating Software Freedom Day in Riga, Latvia

As I mentioned some time ago, Software Freedom Day 08 will take place on Saturday, 20th of September 2008.

Coincidentally, the a large number of Sun/MySQL Engineers and other Sun folks will be in Riga, Latvia for an internal developer meeting around this day. To make use of this opportunity, we plan to give a number of sessions and presentations (in english) about various topics and to contribute to this global celebration of Open Source Software.

We've set up a Team Page on the Software Freedom Day web site for this event - the venue will be the …

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MySQL 5.1 Use Case Competition: Adding support for MySQL 5.1 Events to phpMinAdmin

The MySQL 5.1 Use Case Competition is in full swing - we've already received a number of cool and interesting submissions, which we will turn into articles that will be published on the MySQL Developer Zone over the course of the coming weeks. Today we received a note from Jakub Vrána from the Prague, Czech republic. He's the author of phpMinAdmin, a MySQL management tool written in PHP. Here's what he wrote:

In the beginning of September 2008, I have implemented MySQL 5.1 Events to the database management tool phpMinAdmin. I've used the Windows version of MySQL 5.1.26 for the development.

As phpMinAdmin …

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2008 Open Source CMS Award: two more weeks to submit your nomination!

Just to remind you that Packt Publishing is running their Open Source CMS Award again:

The Packt Open Source Content Management System Award is designed to encourage, support, recognize and reward Open Source Content Management Systems (CMS) that have been selected by a panel of judges and visitors to Now entering its third year, the Award has established itself as an important measure for quality and the popularity of Open Source Content Management Systems.

You have two more weeks to submit your favourite CMS in the following categories:

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Recent additions to my openSUSE Build Service repository

I recently added two new packages to my repository on the openSUSE Build Service:

  • Maatkit is a collection of essential command-line utilities for MySQL. Each is completely stand-alone, without dependencies other than core Perl and the DBI drivers needed to connect to MySQL, and doesn't need to be "installed" - you can just execute the scripts. This makes the tools easy to use on systems where you can't install anything extra, such as customer sites or ISPs.
  • protobuf - Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format. Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in an efficient yet extensible format. Google uses Protocol …
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Thoughts about OSS project hosting and the importance of controlling downloads

In a recent article, Matt Asay was musing about the aspects of hosting an Open Source project by yourself vs. using a public project hosting service like SourceForge, GitHub or Launchpad. He concluded that it's important for commercial/sponsored open source projects in particular to do the hosting by themselves, so they can maintain full control and can gain more insight, which hopefully will turn into more revenue at some point.

However, Matt seems to reduce "hosting" to "providing downloads" only:

Control and visibility. Given the importance of customer conversions, it becomes hugely valuable information to know that it takes, say, eight months on average for someone to buy the "Enterprise" version of …

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The mylvmbackup source tree has moved to Bazaar/Launchpad

JFYI: today I migrated the mylvmbackup source tree from my local Subversion repository on to a Bazaar repository on

This will hopefully make it easier for contributors to work on the code and share their modifications with others, removing me as the bottleneck for applying and testing patches for new releases. I chose Bazaar primarily because I wanted to get some more hands-on practice with it, now that the MySQL Server source trees have been transferred to it as well (see Kaj's announcement for …

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The MySQL source code has moved!

Even though we had been preparing the migration to Bazaar for a while now, today's announcement kind of caught me by surprise. But I am very happy about this move!

While BitKeeper is an excellent tool and served us well the past eight (!) years, I was quite annoyed when BitMover decided to remove the fully functional free BitKeeper client, which effectively put our development back into a Cathedral: even though our source trees remained accessible via, the crippled bk client was only capable of cloning and pulling new revisions from there - it was not possible for an …

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Please give us your feedback by taking the MySQL Magazine Survey!

If you are working with MySQL as a DBA or developer, I'd like to encourage you to consider taking the MySQL Magazine Survey, which was compiled by Keith Murphy and Mark Schoonover.

The survey takes around 10-15 minutes to complete and runs until June 16th. The results will be published in the summer issue of MySQL Magazine, due on July 15th. The questions cover a broad range of topics, from details about your MySQL experience and job description over connectors and languages to operating systems and MySQL versions.

Thanks in advantage for your support and input! The results of this survey will be interesting for us as well.

Showing entries 21 to 30 of 33
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