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Displaying posts with tag: NoSQL (reset)
Eventual consistency in MySQL Cluster - implementation part 1

The last post described MySQL Cluster epochs and why they provide a good basis for conflict detection, with a few enhancements required. This post describes the enhancements.

The following four mechanisms are required to implement conflict detection via epochs :

  1. Slaves should 'reflect' information about replicated epochs they have applied
    Applied epoch numbers should be included in the Slave Binlog events returning to the originating cluster, in a Binlog position corresponding to the commit time of the replicated epoch …
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VC funding for Hadoop and NoSQL tops $350m

451 Research has today published a report looking at the funding being invested in Apache Hadoop- and NoSQL database-related vendors. The full report is available to clients, but non-clients can find a snapshot of the report, along with a graphic representation of the recent up-tick in funding, over at our Too Much Information blog.

My take on the "warning" against using MongoDB...

We have seen the "warning" against using MongoDB a few times now, and I have to say that this reminds me of other such warnings:

In a sense, most of them were right. If you had, in the 1920's, asked the movie going public if they wanted "talkies", chances are most of them would have said no. If you had told my mom and dad in the late 1970's …

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I Really Dislike Anonymous Attacks

If you are interested in NoSQL databases (or maybe not) perhaps you have seen the anonymous "warning" about using MongoDB.   It concludes with the following pious request:

  Please take this warning seriously.

Now there are a lot of great resources about data management on the web but the aforementioned rant is not one of them.  If you plan to write technical articles and have people take them seriously, here are a few tips.

  1. Sign your name.  Readers are more impressed when they see you are not afraid to stand behind your words. 
  2. Explain what problem you were trying to solve.  Otherwise uncharitable readers might think you just started pumping information into a new database without thinking about possible consequences and now want to blame somebody …
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CAOS Theory Podcast 2011.11.11

Topics for this podcast:

*Continuent extends MySQL replication to Oracle Database
*CFEngine updates server automation software
*Devops moving mainstream
*Neo Technology integrates with Spring
*451 CAOS report from Hadoop World

iTunes or direct download (26:56, 4.6MB)

MySQL Cluster, and NoSQL

Those are the topics we cover in the latest episode of our “Meet The MySQL Experts” podcast.

Mat Keep and Bernd Ocklin talk about new database requirements, and walk us through what's new in the second Development Milestone Release of MySQL Cluster 7.2, including impressive performance improvements, new NoSQL access via memcached, cross data center scalability, and more...

Enjoy the podcast!

MySQL Cluster, and NoSQL

Those are the topics we cover in the latest episode of our “Meet The MySQL Experts” podcast.

Mat Keep and Bernd Ocklin talk about new database requirements, and walk us through what's new in the second Development Milestone Release of MySQL Cluster 7.2, including impressive performance improvements, new NoSQL access via memcached, cross data center scalability, and more...

Enjoy the podcast!

Speaking @ Percona Live in London Next Week!

A quick note, I am speaking at Percona live in London next week… its should be a rip roaring time. I have two topics I am speaking on.

The first is on building a MySQL Data Access Layer with Ruby and Sinatra. While this may seem a bit odd, its actually very cool and useful. With

Eventual Consistency - detecting conflicts

In my previous posts I introduced two new conflict detection functions, NDB$EPOCH and NDB$EPOCH_TRANS without explaining how these functions actually detect conflicts? To simplify the explanation I'll initially consider two circularly replicating MySQL Servers, A and B, rather than two replicating Clusters, but the principles are the same.

Commit ordering

Avoiding conflicts requires that data is only modified on one Server at a time. …

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Some MySQL projects I think are cool - Shard-Query

I've already described Justin Swanhart's Flexviews project as something I think is cool. Since then Justin appears to have been working more on Shard-Query which I also think is cool, perhaps even more so than Flexviews.

On the page linked above, Shard-Query is described using the following statements :

"Shard-Query is a distributed parallel query engine for MySQL"
"ShardQuery is a PHP class which is intended to make working with a partitioned dataset easier""ParallelPipelining - MPP distributed query engines runs fragments of queries in parallel, combining the results at the end. Like map/reduce except it speaks SQL directly."

The things I like from the above description :

  • Distributed
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Showing entries 191 to 200 of 383
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