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Displaying posts with tag: code (reset)
HailDB being built by default in Drizzle

It just it trunk – if you have HailDB installed when you build Drizzle, you will now get the HailDB plugin built. You can even run Drizzle with it (remove innobase plugin, load HailDB plugin). Previously, we had problems building both due to symbol conflicts between innobase and HailDB. We’ve fixed this thanks to the linker.

So, enjoy HailDB… welll, test it and report bugs that I can fix :)

Second Drizzle Beta (and InnoDB update)

We just released the latest Drizzle tarball (2010-10-11 milestone). There are a whole bunch of bug fixes, but there are two things that are interesting from a storage engine point of view:

  • The Innobase plugin is now based on innodb_plugin 1.0.6
  • The embedded_innodb engine is now named HailDB and requires HailDB, it can no longer be built with embedded_innodb.

Those of you following Drizzle fairly closely have probably noticed that we’ve lagged behind in InnoDB versions. I’m actively working on fixing that – both for the innobase plugin and for the HailDB library.

If building the HailDB plugin (which is planned to replace the innobase plugin), you’ll need the latest …

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Database speed tests (mysql and postgresql) - part 3 - code

Here is the code structure

dbfuncs.php : is the file which contains classes and functions for firing queries on mysql and pgsql mysqlinsert.php : creates and fires inserts on mysql mysqlselect.php : creates and fires selects on mysql pgsqlinsert.php : creates and fires inserts on pgsql pgsqlselect.php : creates and fires selects on pgsql benchmark.php : script used to control concurrency and

Drizzle7 Beta!

Just in case you missed it, I’m rather thrilled that our latest tarball of Drizzle is named Beta. Specifically, we’re calling it Drizzle7. Seven is a very nice number, and it seems rather appropriate.

This release is for a stand alone database server. A lot of the infrastructure for replication is there (with testing), but the big thing we want to hammer on and get perfect here is Drizzle7 as a stand alone database server.

Can I trust it? If you trust InnoDB to store your data, then yes, you can trust Drizzle (it uses InnoDB too)

Warnings are now actual problems

Yesterday, I reached a happy milestone in HailDB development. All compiler warnings left in the api/ directory (the public interface to the database engine) are now either probable/possible bugs (that we need to look at closely) or are warnings due to unfinished code (that we should finish).

There’s still a bunch of compiler warnings that we’ve inherited (HailDB compiles with lots of warnings enabled) that we have to get through, but a lot will wait until after we update the core to be based on InnoDB 1.1.

MySQL Function to Convert Date To Words

Recently I saw a MySQL Stored Function requirement on Experts-Exchange for converting date into some specific words format. You may find MySQL function for date to words conversion online; even…

The post MySQL Function to Convert Date To Words first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

Yet another DDL dump script

Inspired by some recent posts about scripts for parsing mysqldump files, I thought I’d put my own little dump program out there for those looking for alternatives to mysqldump. It’s written in perl and only actually uses the mysqldump utility to dump the data portion of its file dumps. The rest is done via mysql’s internal show commands. Each database is dumped to it’s own directory, where each component in that database is dumped into five subdirs: schemas, routines, views, triggers & data. Inside these subdirs is a file per table and file per proc, etc. The data section is slightly different: as I mentioned it uses mysqldump to dump bulk insert statements into a sql file, one per table. So at any time, any or all components (including data) can be reloaded with a simple redirect or pipe back to mysql client: …

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HOWTO screw up launching a free software project

Josh Berkus gave a great talk at 2010 (the CFP for 2011 is open until August 7th) entitled “How to destroy your community” (lwn coverage). It was a simple, patented, 10 step program, finely homed over time to have maximum effect. Each step is simple and we can all name a dozen companies that have done at least three of them.

Simon Phipps this past week at OSCON talked about Open Source Continuity in practice – specifically mentioning some open source software projects that were at Sun but have since been abandoned by Oracle and different strategies you can put in place to …

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A tale of a bug…

So I sometimes get asked if we funnel back bug reports or patches back to MySQL from Drizzle. Also, MariaDB adds some interest here as they are a lot closer (and indeed compatible with) to MySQL. With Drizzle, we have deviated really quite heavily from the MySQL codebase. There are still some common areas, but they’re getting rarer (especially to just directly apply a patch).

Back in June 2009, while working on Drizzle at Sun, I found a bug that I knew would affect both. The patch would even directly apply (well… close, but I made one anyway).

So the typical process of me filing a MySQL bug these days is:

  • Stewart files bug
  • In the next window of Sveta being awake, it’s verified.

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I’m at OSCON this week. Come say hi and talk Drizzle, Rackspace, cloud, photography, vegan food or brewing.

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