A long time ago, in a time that can only serve to make some feel old and others older, MySQL didn’t support transactions. Each statement was executed as it went, there was no ROLLBACK (or COMMIT or crash recovery etc). Then there were transactions. Other RDBMSs implement auto_commit functionality, but for MySQL users, we think of it as the magic compatibility mode that (mostly) makes applications written for MyISAM magically work on InnoDB (okay, and making “you should use transactions” a really easy consulting gig :)
I’m currently working on finishing up a patch that removes the implicit COMMIT from DDL operations in Drizzle. Instead, you get an error message saying that Transactional DDL is not currently supported. I see a future where we have one of two situations (possibly depending on the storage engine): support DDL within normal transactions, DDL only transactions (cannot mix …
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