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Displaying posts with tag: Data Integration (reset)
Data Cleaner 2

Dear Kettle friends,

Some time ago while I visited the nice folks from Human Inference in Arnhem, I ran into Kasper Sørensen, the lead developer of DataCleaner.

DataCleaner is an open source data quality tool released (like Kettle) under the LGPL license.  It is essentially to blame for the lack of a profiling tool inside of Kettle.  That is because having DataCleaner available to our users was enough to push the priority of having our own data profiling tool far enough down.

Kasper worked on DataCleaner pretty much in his spare time in the past.  Now that Human Inference took over the project I was expecting more frequent updates and that’s what we …

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Reading from MongoDB

Hi Folks,

Now that we’re blogging again I thought I might as well continue to do so.

Today we’re reading data from MongoDB with Pentaho Data Integration.  We haven’t had a lot of requests for MongoDB support so there is no step to read from it yet.  However, it is surprisingly simple to do with the “User Defined Java Class” step.

For the following sample to work you need to be on a recent 4.2.0-M1 build.  Get it from here.

Then download mongo-2.4.jar and put it in the libext/ folder of your PDI/Kettle distribution.

Then you can read from a collection with the following “User Defined Java Class” code:

import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;
import …
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Parse nasty XLS with dynamic ETL

Dear Kettle friends,

Last year, right after the summer in version 4.1 of Pentaho Data Integration, we introduced the notion of dynamically inserted ETL metadata (Youtube video here).  Since then we received a lot of positive feedback on this functionality which encouraged me to extend it to a few more steps. Already with support for “CSV Input” and “Select Values” we could do a lot of dynamic things.  However, we can clearly do a lot better by extending our initiative to a few more steps: “Microsoft Excel Input” (which can also read ODS by the way), “Row Normalizer” and “Row De-normalizer”.

Below I’ll describe an actual (obfuscated) example that you will probably recognize as it is equally hideous as simple in it’s horrible complexity.

Take a look at this file:

Let’s assume that this spreadsheet …

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Kettle vs Oracle REF CURSOR

Dear Kettle fans,

PDI-200 has been out there for a while now.  Jens created the feature request a little over 3 years ago.  I guess the main thing blocking this issue was not as much a technical problem but more of a licensing and dependency one (Oracle JDBC dependency and distribution license).

However, now that we have the User Defined Java Class step we can work around those pesky problems. That is because the Java code in there only gets compiled and executed at runtime so it’s perfectly fine to create any sort of dependency in there you like.

The following transformation reads a set of rows from a stored procedure as described on this web page.

In short, our UDJC step executes the following code:

begin ? := sp_get_stocks(?); …

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Pentaho Kettle Solutions Overview

Dear Kettle friends,

As mentioned in my previous blog post, copies of our new book Pentaho Kettle Solutions are finally shipping.  Roland, Jos and myself worked really hard on it and, as you can probably imagine, we were really happy when we finally got the physical version of our book in our hands.

So let’s take a look at what’s in this book, what the concept behind it was and give you an overview of the content…

The concept

Given the fact that Maria’s book, called Pentaho Data Integration 3.2,

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VLDB 2010

I will be at VLDB 2010 next week.  If anyone on this blog is attending and wants to catch up to discuss start ups and innovation in DB, NoSQL, Big Data etc drop me a line and I will try to meet up.

Book Review : Pentaho 3.2 Data Integration

Dear Kettle fans,

A few weeks ago, when I was stuck in the US after the MySQL User Conference, a new book was published by Packt Publishing.

That all by itself is something that is not too remarkable.  However, this time it’s a book about my brainchild Kettle. That makes this book very special to me. The full title is Pentaho 3.2 Data Integration : Beginner’s Guide (Amazon, Packt).  The title all by itself explains the purpose of this book: give the reader a quick-start when it comes to Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle).

The author María Carina Roldán ( …

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Ingres Vectorwise smokes it!

I work in all markets of the database industry, from web & startup through the largest and most established enterprises.  And to be completely honest, the name Ingres has not come up in conversation very much at all.  10 years ago maybe more often, but recently not all that much.  But Ingres has been quietly ticking away.  Despite being largely off the radar, they still have a sizable and loyal customer base, global offices and a focused & dedicated management team.  And importantly they have an open source business model which actually appears to be working.

I wrote last year that their "behind the scenes" status had the potential to change.  Ingres had been very clever and worked out a partnership relationship with Peter Bonzc’s Vectorwise.  …

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Slides from my MySQL UC 2010 presentation

As requested by a few fans out there, here are the slides of my presentation:

Pentaho Data Integration 4.0 and MySQL.pdf

I had a great time at the conference, met a lot of nice folks, friends, customers, partners and colleagues. After the conference I was unable to get back home like so many of you because of the Paul Simon singing Eyjafjallajökul volcano in Iceland.

So I ended up flying over to Orlando for a week of brutal PDI 4.0 RC1 hacking with the rest of the l33t super Pentaho development team.  However, after 2+ weeks from home, even a severe storm …

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MySQL User Conference 2010

Dear Kettle and MySQL fans,

Next week I’ll be strolling around the MySQL user conference in Santa Clara.  Even better, I’ll be presenting Tuesday afternoon (3:05pm).  The topic is Pentaho Data Integration 4.0 and MySQL.

The presentation will show you what the world’s most popular open source data integration tool can do for a MySQL user.  It will include practical examples and will showcase the latest improvements present in the brand new version 4.0.

Even more than the presentation itself, I’m looking forward to meeting you all over there.  The regular crowd, MySQL users, Pentaho partners, folks from …

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