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Displaying posts with tag: Mongo (reset)
What engineering roles are most in demand at startups?

via GIPHY I was just reading over StackOverflow’s 2017 Developer survey. As it turns out there were some surprising findings. Join 33,000 others and follow Sean Hull on twitter @hullsean. One that stood out was databases. In the media, one hears more and more about NoSQL databases like Cassandra, Dynamo & Firebase. Despite all that … Continue reading What engineering roles are most in demand at startups? →

My experience with node and mongodb course "M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers" (Third Week)

Well, currently I am into the third week of mongodb node course "M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers" and I am pretty enjoying it.

Lots of personal learning into node and mongodb.

The third week subject of "Patterns, Case Studies & Tradeoffs" is really interesting.

Here is a list of topics, I learned about:
- Mongodb rich documents concept.
- Mongodb schema use cases.
- Mongodb one:one, one:many, many:many use cases.
- How to select schema based on the usage like whether you want max performance
  or it may be a tradeoff.

One important point, I learned during the course is:
"While relational databases usually go for the normalised 3rd form so that data usage is agnostic to application, but mongodb schema arrangement is very closely related to application usage and varies accordingly."

What’s the data on the 3Ci Data Team?

3Ci processes over a billion transactions a month. More than 100 million unique U.S. consumers have engaged with a business through our platform. All that activity creates massive amounts of data. The Data Team at 3Ci is responsible for keeping our offerings running at optimal performance and for making sense of our data. They manage MySQL [...]

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PgEast 2011 Day The Second

Well day two here at PgEast has drawn to a close and it was another
very informative day.

Today I concentrated on the more common tasks of a Pg DBA so I attended three
talks (four if you count mine) that where rather heavy on the technical side of being a Pg DBA

Keven Kempter drew me back again with his excellent talk on Backup and recovery methods
this time giving some very good advice on how to use and abuse of pg_Dump_all and
PG_restore. He also touched on three different recipes PITR on ProstgreSQL and gave some handy
advice on when and why to use it.

I also caught another Mongo talk this time by Steve Francia it was on the application of Mongo
in a real world web retail store. He presented a very convincing argument for the NoSQL side of things in
the retail realm namely that RDBMS works great when you have but a few similar products
such as books, CDs and …

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Reading from MongoDB

Hi Folks,

Now that we’re blogging again I thought I might as well continue to do so.

Today we’re reading data from MongoDB with Pentaho Data Integration.  We haven’t had a lot of requests for MongoDB support so there is no step to read from it yet.  However, it is surprisingly simple to do with the “User Defined Java Class” step.

For the following sample to work you need to be on a recent 4.2.0-M1 build.  Get it from here.

Then download mongo-2.4.jar and put it in the libext/ folder of your PDI/Kettle distribution.

Then you can read from a collection with the following “User Defined Java Class” code:

import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;
import …
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