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My experience with node and mongodb course "M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers" (Third Week)

Well, currently I am into the third week of mongodb node course "M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers" and I am pretty enjoying it.

Lots of personal learning into node and mongodb.

The third week subject of "Patterns, Case Studies & Tradeoffs" is really interesting.

Here is a list of topics, I learned about:
- Mongodb rich documents concept.
- Mongodb schema use cases.
- Mongodb one:one, one:many, many:many use cases.
- How to select schema based on the usage like whether you want max performance
  or it may be a tradeoff.

One important point, I learned during the course is:
"While relational databases usually go for the normalised 3rd form so that data usage is agnostic to application, but mongodb schema arrangement is very closely related to application usage and varies accordingly."

MySQL query that get ranks today, this week and this month

In this article I’m showing how to retrieve result based on today, week and month using mysql query. To learn the techniques just visit

Getting rank today, this week and this month

In my previous article I’ve shown how to get rank using mysql query. Now I’m showing how to retrieve result based on today, week and month using mysql query. Actually I also implemented this in my quiz project so I’m sharing this with you.

For the table structure please look my previous article

Task 1: I’ve to retrieve those users rank who played the game today.
Solution: Look at the query

SELECT uid, participated, correct, wrong from quiz_user
    WHERE DAYOFMONTH(CURDATE())=extract(day from updated)
    ORDER BY correct DESC, participated ASC
    limit 30

So the above query returns the result of those users who played today. Here

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