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Displaying posts with tag: Pythian Appearances (reset)
Log Buffer #208, A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Welcome to Log Buffer, the weekly round up of news and happenings in the database world.

We’re planning our publishing calendar for 2011. Happy to announce that we’ll have a few guest hosts in the New Year. Don’t forget if you’d like to host or edit a future edition of Log Buffer on your own blog, send a note to the Log Buffer coordinator.

We’ve had several contributions of favorite reads from the team this week. Enjoy this issue, Log Buffer #208.

Gwen Shapira’s picks:

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Pythian at UKOUG Technology and E-Business Suite Conference 2010

Hello Birmingham!

It’s past Sunday midnight and I’m stuck in my room in the last couple hours finishing my slides for my masterclass tomorrow. Turns out that I’m presenting the very first session of the conference at 9am. I wish there is a keynote instead so that I could grab one more hour of sleep (it’s going to be deep into the night back home in Canada). Strange that the keynote was moved to Wednesday — I hope UKOUG has really good reason for that!

My two hours masterclass will start at the same time as Tom Kyte’s a-la keynote session — what a competition. On the other hand, there is no other sessions in server technology so I expect that folks without interest of database development will automatically end up in my session. I’m in Hall 5 – quite large room. Is it the second biggest room after the Hall 1?

I will need to work hard to keep the audience… maybe I shouldn’t plan for any breaks to make …

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Bloggers Meetup @ Oracle OpenWorld 2010

It’s that time of the year again — Oracle OpenWorld time — and it’s my pleasure to announce our regular Oracle bloggers meetup again this year. We all know that Oracle community has grown this year so we expect to see folks from all the different technologies including MySQL, Java, Sun hardware folks in addition to the core Oracle database and apps crowd.

So… all of you Oracle bloggers attending Oracle Open World 2010
… you are invited to attend this Oracle Bloggers Meetup during OOW 2010 — a chance to meet your online buddies face-to-face in relaxed and informal atmosphere.

When: Wed, 22-Sep-2010, 5:30pm

Where: Lower Dining Room, Jillian’s Billiards

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YAPCEU 2010 – Day Two…

After enjoying the excellent hospitality of our host here in Pisa (6 courses) we were ready for our second day at YAPCEU 2010 here in sunny Pisa.

Larry’s new catch phrase “My Language is a four letter word” was the ‘Buzz word’ for today. We settled down to some very interesting talks, the highlight for me being Tim Bunce’s talk on using Devel::NYTProf to Optimize your code. Tim first gave us a quick and dirty overview of optimization which covered the basics of where to start and what to look for he followed up with real examples of Optimizer output and than wrapped up with a few before and after results on an optimization effort.

The rest of the day was dedicated in my opinion, to the future of DBs in with Nelson Ferraz giving an excellent presentation of his concepts for using Perl as to glue for a Data Warehouse application. Next on my agenda, Martin Berends reports on the present state of Perl 6 and interfaces …

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Webinar: What you need to know for a MySQL 5.0 -> 5.1 upgrade

IOUG has a free series of three webinars on upgrading MySQL. Each webinar is an hour long, and it starts with a webinar by me tomorrow at 12 noon Central time (GMT-5) on “Why and How to Upgrade to MySQL 5.1”. The webinar assumes you are upgrading from MySQL 5.0 to MySQL 5.1, and talks a little bit about the new features, server variables, and what you need to know when upgrading to MySQL 5.1.

The software used is GoToWebinar (formerly GoToMeeting), so you will need to install that software. To register, use the links on the IOUG MySQL Upgrade Webinar Series page.

The complete list of webinars in the MySQL Upgrade Series is:
* MySQL 5.1: Why and How to Upgrade
Sheeri Cabral, The Pythian Group
Tuesday, July 27, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. CT (GMT-5)

* MySQL Upgrades With No Downtime
Sean Hull, Heavyweight Internet …

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ODTUG Kscope Wrap-up and Slides

Ronald Bradford and I produced a successful MySQL track at Kaleidoscope (hereinafter referred to as Kscope). With a speaker list of Philip Antoniades, Josh Sled and Craig Sylvester of Oracle, Laine Campbell of PalominoDB, Patrick Galbraith of Northscale, Sarah Novotny of Blue Gecko, Padrig O’Sullivan of Akiba, Dossy Shiobara of and Matt Yonkovic of Percona, we knew the …

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MySQL’s SQL Deviations and Extensions

Today at Kaleidoscope I will be doing a 90-minute session comparing MySQL’s SQL syntax to the ANSI/ISO SQL:2003 standard, entitled What Do You Mean, “SQL Syntax Error”?

You can download the PDF slides now.

For those that may be following along the presentation later today (4 pm Eastern time), here are some links that I may throw out during the session:

  • SQL 2003 standard – actually it is “Information taken from the Final Committee Draft (FCD) of ISO/IEC 9075-2:2003″ but it’s extremely close to the actual standard. The actual standard is a document that costs a non-trivial amount of money to get, and cannot be republished.
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OpenSQLCamp Boston Pages are online

OpenSQLCamp is less than 4 months away, and I have finally gotten around to updating the site. Special thanks go to Bradley Kuzsmaul and the folks at Tokutek for getting the ball rolling and making the reservation at MIT. Using MIT means that we will have *free* reliable wireless guest access and projects.

OpenSQL Camp is a free unconference for people interested in open source databases (MySQL, SQLite, Postgres, Drizzle), including non-relational databases, database alternatives like NoSQL stores, and database tools such as Gearman. We are not focusing on any one project, and hope to see representatives from a variety of open source database projects attend. As usual I am one of the main organizers of Open SQL Camp (in previous years, Baron Schwartz, Selena Deckelmann and Eric Day have been main organizers too; this year Bradley Kuzsmaul is the other main organizer). The target audience …

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Next Week’s MySQL Sessions at ODTUG Kaleidoscope

By now you know that there is a MySQL Track during next week’s ODTUG Kaleidoscope in Washington, DC. Ronald Bradford and I organized the schedule at the last minute (Ronald did a lot of the work!). It was difficult to fill a schedule with 19 sessions that are either 1 hour or 1.5 hours long, and to do it I ended up with three presentations.

At each presentation I will be giving away a copy of The MySQL Administrator’s Bible, so be sure to show up! All MySQL track sessions are in Maryland C, and all times are Eastern.

On Monday, June 28th from 4 pm – 5:30 pm I will be presenting …

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MySQL Track at Kaleidoscope

On Monday, Ronald Bradford posted that the independent Oracle Developer Tools User Group had opened up their Kaleidoscope Conference, well-known throughout the Oracle community for in-depth technical sessions for developers, to the MySQL community. Giuseppe Maxia posted his thoughts on Tuesday.

We have confirmed that there will be an entire MySQL track at Kaleidoscope! Because Kaleidoscope is less than 8 weeks away, we could not go through a standard call for papers. Ronald and I have been working to come up with appropriate topics and speakers for an audience that uses MySQL but is probably more familiar with Oracle. We contacted folks we thought …

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