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Displaying posts with tag: Writing (reset)
MySQL Shell Python mode for multiple ALTER TABLE statements – easily

There may come a time you need to rename one or more columns in an existing MySQL table for a variety of reasons. Using ALTER TABLE, to rename a column is an easy enough command. But, suppose there are multiple tables in the same database/schema that have the same-named column and all of those columns need to be renamed. That could be a lot of ALTER TABLE statements to type out. Save your energy and time, avoiding all of those ALTER TABLE commands all-together. If you are lucky enough to be working with a MySQL version > 8.0 then the Shell is your salvation. With just a few lines of Python code in \py mode, all of your trouble(s) and headache(s) are no more…

Photo by Ibrahim Rifath on …

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MySQL EXTRACT() method for specific DATE and TIME values

Date and time values are some of the most important datatypes in an RDBMS. From tracking order dates to payroll hours, DATE and DATETIME datatypes are used in all types of applications. At times as a Developer, you may need only certain portions of a DATE or DATETIME value. In MySQL, the EXTRACT() function can provide you with a specific component of a DATE or DATETIME value depending on which INTERVAL is given as a parameter. Continue reading to see example EXTRACT() queries for understanding…

Photo by Omar Al-Ghossen on Unsplash

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Dynamic MySQL CREATE TABLE statement with pandas and pyodbc

Have you ever had to type out a massive CREATE TABLE statement by hand? One with dozens of columns? Maybe several dozens of columns? There are likely some GUI tools to help with large CREATE TABLE commands. Or, other drag-n-drop types of software that I am not familiar with. What if you could write a few lines of Python code and take care of a huge CREATE TABLE statement with way less effort than typed manually? Interested? Continue reading and see how using pandas, pyodbc, and MySQL…

Photo by Vorsen Furniture on Unsplash

OS, Software, and DB used:

  • OpenSuse Leap 15.1
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3 MySQL Commands Developers should know.

If you are a developer working in a MySQL environment, this blog post is for you. I share 3 MySQL commands or statements that you should know. That is a bold statement, I know. Turns out, once you do know (of) these commands, you will use them all the time. They minimize guesswork which leads to better productivity in other facets of your programming and querying workflow. I use them myself almost daily and am sure you will too once you see how simple they are to use. So why should you know them? Continue reading and find out…

Photo by hannah joshua on Unsplash

OS, Software, and DB used:

  • OpenSuse Leap 15.1
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TRIM() string function in MySQL – with examples.

In this post, I’ll cover examples of the MySQL TRIM() function. TRIM() removes specific characters – or spaces – from a given string, at either: the beginning, ending, or potentially in both locations depending on several factors. With an optional keyword argument that controls which character(s) – if any – are removed, TRIM() can be tricky so let’s gain understanding with several easy-to-digest examples…

Photo by Peter Beukema on Unsplash

OS, Software, and DB used:

  • OpenSuse Leap 15.1
  • MySQL 8.0.20


If you enjoy …

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Sorting associative arrays in PHP with array_multisort() – New learning

If you write MySQL queries, at some point you are going to have to provide query results in a specific order. To impose any ordering in MySQL (this applies to SQL overall and is not directed only at MySQL), you have to use the ORDER BY clause. Without it, there is no guaranteed order. The database is free to send back query results in any order. As I learn PHP, I make it a point to explore both the MySQL side, along with the PHP side in regards to similar type tasks and the efficiency of each. So far in my PHP journey, I have found that arrays are used quite extensively. In this post, I’ll cover array_multisort() – one of many in-built PHP functions – used for sorting arrays. In the context of the example data for this post, the arrays are populated by an unordered MySQL query. Let’s see one example of how you can establish a sorting order in a PHP …

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Writing a Book: Building Pentaho Solutions

Ok - this has been stewing for some time now, and I think now is the right time to announce that I am working together with Jos van Dongen from Tholis Consulting to create a book for Wiley with the tentative title "Building Pentaho Solutions".

My personal aim is to make this book the primary point of reference for DBAs and Application Developers that are familiar with Open Source products like MySQL and PostgreSQL but have no prior BI skills, as well as BI professionals that are familiar with closed source BI products like Microsoft BI and Business Objects that want to learn how to get things done with Pentaho.

The book will cover all distinct components and sub-products that make up the …

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High Performance MySQL 2nd Edition gets revised and translated

Just thought I’d update you. We got quite a few good errata from readers, and I took a couple weekends and went through the book with a fine-toothed comb, catching typos and subtle errors that crept in at some point (TPC benchmarks were labeled as TCP benchmarks — did you catch that one?). I marked up my book and mailed it to O’Reilly, who went well above and beyond what they normally do for errata. Normally, once a book is in print they will fix only serious technical errors. They fixed everything, even going as far as rearranging page breaks and moving figures to improve readability.

The second printing is on Monday August 4th. Already! I think the book has been selling a lot better than anticipated. I know I am psyched to see it remain in the top couple thousand on Amazon. And they thought it was a big deal when it broke five thousand!

In other news, it’s going to be translated into Spanish, Polish, and Portuguese. So now …

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Book Review: Building powerful and robust websites with Drupal 6

I just finished reading Building Powerful and Robust Websites with Drupal 6 (this title on Packt’s site). I’ve been working on a website powered by Drupal, and though it was obvious that Drupal is very flexible and capable, I was getting pretty lost in the website. So I wanted to read a book that would explain it to me.

Unfortunately, this book didn’t help …

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High Performance MySQL is going to press, again

Apparently High Performance MySQL, 2nd Edition is selling quite well — I’m not sure exactly how well — because we’re preparing for a second printing. This makes me very happy. I don’t think they anticipated going back to the press for quite some time.

The book fluctuates between sales rank 1000 and 2000 on Amazon during the day, and has reached as high as 600 or so. This is just phenomenal. The O’Reilly team was psyched when it broke 5000, and so was I — but now we’ve stayed under 2000 for a long time (except when Amazon sold out of it). Frankly I’d have thought that for a niche-market book like this, we’d have been in the 10,000 range or something like that.

Clearly we (the authors, editors, publisher, etc) have done something right! This is a great feeling.

Thanks for sending errata, by the way. I have just completed proofreading the whole …

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