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Displaying posts with tag: speaking (reset)
Tick-tock, tick-tock … 5 days to go until MySQL Week kicks off!

Great speaker line up at SkySQL & MariaDB: Solutions Day for the MySQL Database and Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo

If you haven’t yet registeredfor next week’sSkySQL & MariaDB: Solutions Day for the MySQL Database, do it today so you don’t miss any of these important discussions about MariaDB, MySQL & related technologies:

  • Opening keynote from Monty Widenius and David Axmark

  • SkySQL, MySQL, MariaDB & the Cloud, withUlf Sandberg, Kaj Arnö, and Ivan Zoratti of SkySQL

  • Automating master failover and …

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Pythian Speaking at Oracle OpenWorld 2011

Pythian is pleased to announce our speaking schedule at this year’s Oracle OpenWorld 2011, October 2-6, 2011 in San Francisco, CA.

We’re excited to be joined by our customers Western Union, and Worldwide Technologies (WWT) as we present real-world experiences and project success. If you’re attending, don’t miss the chance to hear our team of experts. Bring your toughest questions to be answered as they relate to any of the subjects below.

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Watch for Pythian speakers at upcoming Oracle Technology Days, NoCOUG, OOUG, SQLSaturday & Pythian Australia.

It’s a busy summer at Pythian, with our continuing wave of speaking sessions at upcoming community and regional industry events.

Coming to a city near you, watch for Pythian presenting hot Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server database topics:


Oracle Technology Days – Montreal
August 9, 2011 – 8:30am – 1pm, Hilton Montreal Bonaventure

Oracle Technology Days – Toronto
August 25, …

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Webinar: Percona and Continuent on backup and replication with huge data

On Thursday, February 10, at 10am PST, there is a free webinar about Managing Big Data with Percona Server, XtraBackup and Tungsten. Quoting from the announcement:

Big data is a big problem for growing SaaS businesses and large web applications. In this webinar, we'll teach you how to set up Percona Server, XtraBackup, and Tungsten to manage Terabyte+ databases and scale to millions of transactions a day. We'll discuss the latest features for high transaction performance like InnoDB buffer pool dump/restore and HandlerSocket, our favorite tricks for backup, restore, and provisioning of large data sets, and how to replicate scalably and safely using Tungsten Replicator with parallel apply.

The presenters are representatives of both Percona and …

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Presenting "Real-Life Use Cases From Data Administration Hell" at LAMySQL

If you're in the Los Angeles area on Feb 15, come hear my talk at LAMySQL inspired by learnings from real-life experiences. In addition to hearing a very unique and interesting talk, you can win an AppleTV thanks to awesome folks at @NoodleYard.

Real-Life Use Cases From Data Administration Hell

Data is the most valuable asset of an organization because it's irreplaceable.

Yet, we hear about f**k ups related to data administration every day by startups and organizations of all sizes. Sometimes it's no one's fault. Sometimes it's the fault of a drunk friend who shouldn't have been [wherever he was] at the first place.

Yet, at other times, the disaster could have been prevented. Sometimes, these f**k ups are caused by bad design. Sometimes, it's a bad …

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Speaking at the O'Reilly MySQL Conference - April 2011

I will present two talks at the MySQL Conference next April.
One is a three hours tutorial on Advanced MySQL Replication Techniques, and the other is a normal session on The art of sandboxing. Reducing Complex Systems to Manageable Boxes.
The first topic is not a first to me. But the contents are going to be fresh and new. There has been so much going on in the replication field, that the talk on this topic that I presented in 2007 looks like ancient history.
The second topic is completely new. I have often presented the result of my sandboxing efforts, but I have never thought of explaining the techniques themselves. Now that I have got some experience at reducing differently complex systems to sandboxes, I want to share the knowledge, to promote more work in this field.

My wish list for OpenSQLCamp, Boston 2010

On Friday, October 15th, the third OpenSQLCamp in North America will start at 6pm with a social event and then continue with more technical stuff over the week end.
Compared to the overcrowded Oracle Open World with its 45,000 attendees, this event may look like a desert. But the quality of the attendance will more than compensate for the missing thousands.
The event will be held with unconference style. There is a list of sessions, where I have proposed two topics, one for which I would like to see someone stepping up and help defining the topic …

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MySQL Sunday tracks at Oracle Open World 2010

Oracle Open World is the conference of everything related to Oracle. This year edition, running from September 19th to 23rd, is expected to have more than 45,000 attendees, making it one of the biggest IT events worldwide.

Traditionally, on the Sunday preceding the main event, there is a full day technical event, fueled by the user groups, independently from the company. These Sunday events are wildly popular. they are organized by users for users, and these sessions are usually fully attended.

Now that MySQL is part of the Oracle portfolio, it is going to be part of the Oracle Open World show. In the spirit of the user groups events, there will be a MySQL Sunday event on Sunday afternoon, with four highly technical tracks, with well known speakers. …

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Free software and business in Sardinia
On June 10th and 11th I attended two interesting workshops, both related to the Italian Free Software conference, and both organized by private institutions that have expanded their boundaries and created two quite lively international events.

The first event was held near Pula, in an innovation laboratory encased in a beautiful forest. The Technological Park of Sardegna Ricerche is a place where research and business boil together to produce new companies and to help consolidate existing ones.
The workshop was titled A community for a new business model and it was a show case of a dozen companies, both local and from abroad. After the presentations and a lovely open air …

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MySQL user groups in Dubai and Sydney, on my way to NZ

In January 2010 I will attend Linux.Conf.Au, which this year is held in Wellington, New Zealand.
It's a long way from Europe to New Zealand, and so I will take a few stops.
On January 13 I will be in Dubai, UAE. If you are around, I would love to organize a MySQL meeting. I haven heard back from the local user group and it seems that a meeting will take place. Stay tuned for more.
On January 15th I will be in Sydney. The organizers are already at work. We will definitely have an user group meeting. I am open to suggestions about the …
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