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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL Day (reset)
pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day 2019 – slides

This event was just awesome. We got 110 participants ! Thank you everybody and also a big thank to the speakers.

Here are the slides of all the sessions:

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Friday Feb 1st it is MySQL Day !

We are less than 48h before the more and more popular pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day !

Unfortunately one of our speaker won’t be able to deliver his talk. Indeed, Giuseppe had ton cancel is talk on containers (Automating MySQL operations with containers) but he will be present during the day and during the Community Dinner, so if you have questions, I’m sure he will gladly answer them.

So we have replace this great speaker by another great one: Shlomi Noach !

Shlomi will present a very new session: Un-split brain (aka Move Back in Time) MySQL.

Here is the updated …

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FOSDEM MySQL Community Dinner – Friday 1 Feb 2019 – Tickets Selling Out Fast!

If you have not purchased your ticket yet for this years FOSDEM MySQL, MariaDB and Friends Community Dinner, hurry! We’ve already sold 2/3 of our tickets since launching tickets sales last week.

The dinner takes place in the same location, on the same day as the  pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day 2019.

Buy your tickets on Eventbrite:

We’re looking forward to meeting you all again at Fosdem and the Community Dinner. See you then! Party-Squad – Kenny Gryp,  …

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Have a nice MySQL Season Holidays

I wish you all the best for this end of 2018 and of course a nice start of 2019’s edition !

For the best possible start of 2019, I already invite you to these different events where I will have to honor to talk about MySQL:

Take some rest and see you soon again ! …

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pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day 2019

For the third year in a row, we will take advantage of the mass presence of our MySQL Engineers during FOSDEM to organize the pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day.

The program of this 3rd edition is already on track, thank you to all the speakers who already confirmed their participation.

Start End Event Speaker Company Topic
Friday 1st February
09:30 10:00 MySQL Community Team Welcome
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FOSDEM MySQL Community Dinner – Friday 2 Feb 2018 – Tickets Now Available!

FOSDEM is back in town, folks, and as usual, there will there be a MySQL and Friends Devroom. At this point, we can’t really remember what came first, was it the annual dinner or the devroom? Our memories of the past few years are particularly hazy on that…  Can’t imagine why.

Following a great tradition of dining together in style with members from all over the community, we have rented a by now familiar private space at ICAB, more detailed directions below.

A couple of things changed compared to the last couple of years. The community dinner will take place on Friday night 2 February, following the …

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pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day 2018: the schedule

Happy New Year everybody !

All your wishes should come true with 2018.0 !

As announced previously in this post, this year we will have the second edition of the MySQL Day just before FOSDEM.

All speakers confirmed their talk and I’ve the pleasure to share the announce the schedule !

Start End Event Speaker Company Topic
Friday 2nd February
09:30 10:00 MySQL Community Team Welcome
10:00 10:40 Why we are excited about MySQL 8 Peter Zaitsev Percona
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pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day 2018

As last year, we will take advantage of the mass presence of our engineers during FOSDEM to organize a MySQL Day once again.

The Agenda is not yet known, but save the date and schedule your trip to Brussels keeping in mind that Friday February 2nd 2018, there will be a full day dedicated to MySQL !

More to come soon but don’t forget to register !

Please register here !

FOSDEM 2017 is over… this was again a great MySQL event !

FOSDEM 2017 is over, I brought back home the flu…. but hopefully not only !

Indeed this 2017 edition was very rewarding. We started our FOSDEM with a “fringe” : pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day where we highlighted MySQL 8.0 new features and hosted some talks from MySQL friends.

This first edition of the pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day was a great success. We had up to 70 attendees! I would like to thanks all the speakers: Morgan Tocker, Bernt Marius Johnsen, Øystein Grøvlen, Kenny Gryp, Jean-François Gagné, Dag H. Wanvik, …

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MySQL Day – Sessions review #9

Let’s finish these pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day Sessions reviews with Kenny Gryp‘s talk on MySQL Group Replication.

Kenny is working at Percona as MySQL Practice Manager.

Group Replication went Generally Available end of 2016, it introduces a (virtually) ‘synchronous’ active:active multi-master replication, in addition to asynchronous and semi-synchronous replication, the latter 2 being available in in MySQL for longtime.

As with any new feature, and especially with introducing active:active multi-master replication, it takes a while before companies are adopting the software in production database environment.
For example, even though MySQL 5.7 has been GA for more than a year, adoption is only starting to increase recently.

We can, and should, expect the same from Group …

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