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Displaying posts with tag: Kubernetes (reset)
Using Jobs to Perform Schema Changes Against MySQL Databases on K8s

Performing an operation is always challenging when dealing with K8s.

When on-prem or DBaaS like RDS or Cloud SQL, it is relatively straightforward to apply a change. You can perform a DIRECT ALTER, use a tool such as pt-osc, or even, for certain cases where async replication is in use, perform changes on replicas and failover.

In this blog post, I’ll provide some thoughts on how schema changes can be performed when running MySQL on Kubernetes

I won’t focus on DIRECT ALTERs as it is pretty straightforward to apply them. You can just connect to the MySQL service POD and perform the ALTER.

But how can we apply changes in more complex scenarios where we may want to benefit from pt-osc, gain better control over the operation, or take advantage of the K8s features?

One convenient way that I’ve found …

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Announcing Vitess 17

We are pleased to announce the general availability of Vitess 17! Major Themes in Vitess 17 # In this release of Vitess, several significant enhancements have been introduced to improve the compatibility, performance, and usability of the system. GA Announcements # The VTTablet settings connection pool feature, introduced in v15, is now enabled by default in this release. This feature simplifies the management and configuration of system settings, providing users with a more streamlined and convenient experience.

Proof of Concept: Horizontal Write Scaling for MySQL With Kubernetes Operator

Historically MySQL is great in horizontal READ scale. The scaling, in that case, is offered by the different number of Replica nodes, no matter if using standard asynchronous replication or synchronous replication.

However, those solutions do not offer the same level of scaling for writes operation.

Why? Because the solutions still rely on writing in one single node that works as Primary. Also, in the case of multi-Primary, the writes will be distributed by transaction. In both cases, when using virtually-synchronous replication, the process will require certification from each node and local (by node) write; as such, the number of writes is NOT distributed across multiple nodes but duplicated.

The main reason behind this is that MySQL is a relational database system (RDBMS), and any data that is going to be written in it must respect the RDBMS …

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The 1st Day at KubeCon & CloudNativeCon 2023 in Amsterdam

The KubeCon around the Kubernetes technology was one of the events I dreamed to attend since I’m focusing on the CloudNative solutions. I had the great opportunity to attend the KubeCon & CloundNativeCon in Amsterdam with my colleague Benoît Entzmann.

There is now CNCF-hosted Co-located events adding more topics and interesting sessions. This is community-driven, vendor-neutral events hosted and managed by the CNCF. ArgoCD, Cilium, Linkerd have now their own conference. Here is the list of CNCF-hosted Co-located events.

Unfortunately, all the above events were already sold out when we decided to come at the KubeCon.

During the 1st day Keynote, Chris Aniszczyk CTO of the CNCF mentioned that for this year, the increase of the number of participants was just amazing reaching more than 10’000 people. The number of CNCF projects also increased a lot. I feel that the main message of this Keynote is …

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Comparisons of Proxies for MySQL

With a special focus on Percona Operator for MySQL


HAProxy, ProxySQL, MySQL Router (AKA MySQL Proxy); in the last few years, I had to answer multiple times on what proxy to use and in what scenario. When designing an architecture, many components need to be considered before deciding on the best solution.

When deciding what to pick, there are many things to consider, like where the proxy needs to be, if it “just” needs to redirect the connections, or if more features need to be in, like caching and filtering, or if it needs to be integrated with some MySQL embedded automation.

Given that, there never was a single straight answer. Instead, an analysis needs to be done. Only after a better understanding of the environment, the needs, and the evolution that the platform needs to achieve is it possible …

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Percona Labs Presents: Infrastructure Generator for Percona Database as a Service (DBaaS)

Let’s look at how you can run Percona databases on Kubernetes, the easy way.

Chances are that if you are using the latest Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) version, you have seen the availability of the new Percona Database as a Service (DBaaS). If not, go and get a glimpse of the fantastic feature with our docs on DBaaS – Percona Monitoring and Management.

Now, if you like it and wanna give it a try! (Yay!), but you don’t wanna deal with Kubernetes, (nay)o worries; we have a tool for you. Introducing the Percona DBaaS Infrastructure Creator, or Percona My Database as a Service (MyDBaaS).

My Database as a Service

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Reduce Your Cloud Costs With Percona Kubernetes Operators

Public cloud spending is slowing down. Quarter-over-quarter growth is no longer hitting 30% gains for AWS, Google, and Microsoft. This is businesses’ response to tough and uncertain macroeconomic conditions, where organizations scrutinize their public cloud spending to optimize and adjust.

In this blog post, we will see how running databases on Kubernetes with Percona Operators can reduce your cloud bill when compared to using AWS RDS.


These are the following instances that we will start with:

  • AWS
  • RDS for MySQL in us-east-1
  • 10 x db.r5.4xlarge
  • 200 GB storage each

The cost of RDS consists mostly of two things – compute and storage. We will not consider data transfer or backup costs in this article.

  • db.r5.4xlarge – $1.92/hour or …
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Announcing Vitess 16

We are pleased to announce the general availability of Vitess 16! Documentation improvements # In this release the maintainer team has decided to put an emphasis on reviewing, editing, and rewriting the website documentation to be current with the code. With help from CNCF, we have also improved the search experience. We welcome feedback on the current incarnation of the docs. GA announcements # We are marking VDiff v2 as Generally Available or production-ready in v16.

Least Privilege for Kubernetes Resources and Percona Operators

Operators hide the complexity of the application and Kubernetes. Instead of dealing with Pods, StatefulSets, tons of YAML manifests, and various configuration files, the user talks to Kubernetes API to provision a ready-to-use application. An Operator automatically provisions all the required resources and exposes the application. Though, there is always a risk that the user would want to do something manual that can negatively affect the application and the Operator logic.

In this blog post, we will explain how to limit access scope for the user to avoid manual changes for database clusters deployed with Percona Operators. To do so, we will rely on Kubernetes Role-based Access Control (RBAC).

The goal

We are going to have two roles: …

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Coroot – The Next Level in Kubernetes Observability

To follow up on my previous Kubernetes articles:

I would like to introduce a project which brings Kubernetes observability to the next …

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Showing entries 11 to 20 of 92
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