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Backup your MySQL instance to the Cloud

Since MySQL Shell 8.1, it’s even easier to create a logical backup of your MySQL instance and store it directly in Object Storage, an internet-scale, high-performance storage platform in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).

MySQL Shell now offers the option of dumping to Object Storage Bucket using PAR (Pre-Authenticated Request).

Bucket Creation

The first step is to create an Object Storage Bucket in the OCI Console:

Let’s call it lefred-mysql-backups:

When created, we can click on the three-dots and create a new PAR:

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Deploying WordPress and MySQL on OKE using MySQL Operator for Kubernetes

Let’s see how to deploy WordPress and MySQL on a Kubernetes Cluster. The Kubernets cluster we are using is OKE (Oracle Kubernetes Engine) in OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure):

OKE Cluster

We start by creating a Kubernetes Cluster on OCI using the Console:

We select the Quick create mode:

We need to name our cluster and make some choices:

When created, we can find it in the OKE Clusters list:

And we can see the pool of workers nodes and the workers:


I like to use kubectl directly on my latop to manage my K8s Cluster.

On my Linux Desktop, I need to install kubernetes-client package (rpm).

Then on the K8s Cluster details, you can click on Access Cluster to get all the commands to use:

We need to copy them on our terminal and then, I like to also enable the bash completion for …

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How to copy a MySQL instance ?

To copy a MySQL server to another server or to the cloud, there are several ways.

We can distinguish between two different types of copy:

  • physical copy
  • logical copy

The physical copy is often the fastest. However, it requires some tools to ensure that you have a consistent online backup. For example, you can use MySQL Enterprise Backup (MEB).

Alternatively, it’s possible to use the CLONE plug-in to provision a new instance with existing data from a source server. This is my preferred approach.

Finally, the last physical solution is the use of a file system snapshot, but this requires the right infrastructure and even more care to have a consistent …

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Cut & Paste a User Creation Statement with MySQL 8

Sometimes it’s convenient to retrieve the user creation statement and to copy it to another server.

However, with the new authentication method used as default since MySQL 8.0, caching_sha2_password, this can become a nightmare as the output is binary and some bytes can be hidden or decoded differently depending of the terminal and font used.

Let’s have a look:

If we cut the create user statement and paste it into another server what will happen ?

We can see that we get the following error:

ERROR: 1827 (HY000): The password hash doesn't have the expected format.

How could we deal with that ?

The solution to be able to cut & paste the authentication string without having any issue, is to change it as a binary representation (hexadecimal) like this:

And then replace the value in the user create statement:

But there is an easier way. MySQL …

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Where to find official MySQL container images ?

If you are deploying MySQL on containers, one of the first tasks is to find the right image.

There’s a certain amount of confusion, especially when we’re trying to help someone who’s having problems with their deployment.

For example, when people say I’m using the official docker image… what does that really mean?

Docker Hub, provides their official image (, but this is not the official MySQL image that we, the MySQL Team at Oracle, support.

Before the mess with Docker Hub ([1], [2], [3]), the real official images for MySQL …

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Build MySQL 8 from the source rpm in OL8

After having explained how to build MySQL 8 (MySQL 8.0 and MySQL 8.1) on OL9 and OL7, this episode of the series will cover how to build MySQL 8 on Oracle Linux 8 (OL8) and compatible (EL8, CentOS 8, …).

My build machine is a VM.Standard.E4.Flex instance on OCI having 8 OCPUs and 128GB of ram with Oracle Linux 8.8. The machine has also a block volume of 50GB attached and mounted in /home/opc/rpmbuild:

Getting the source RPM

To get the source RPM, you need first to install the MySQL Community’s repo:

$ sudo dnf install -y

But comparing to OL7 and OL9, this is maybe the most complicate process if you are not aware …

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Build MySQL 8 from the source rpm in OL7

Following our discussion with Simon about compiling MySQL 8.0.34 and 8.1.0 for OL9 (RedHat and CentOS Stream as well), see this blog post, we realized that compiling the latest MySQL 8.x on OL7 (EL7) wasn’t very simple either.

After soliciting the MySQL release engineer team, I was able to compile MySQL correctly from its src rpm.

Let me share the various steps with you.

My build machine is a VM.Standard.E4.Flex instance on OCI having 4 OCPUs and 64GB of ram with Oracle Linux 7.9. The machine has also a block volume of 50GB attached and mounted in /home/opc/rpmbuild.

Getting the source RPM

To get the source RPM, you need first to install the MySQL Community’s repo:

$ sudo yum install -y …
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Welcome to Dolphie !

There are plenty GUI and Web application used to monitor a MySQL server. But if you are long time MySQL DBA, you might have used (and abused) Innotop !

I loved it ! And I even became maintainer of it. This particular task became more and more complicated with the different forks and their differences. Also, let’s be honest, Perl saved my life so many times in the past… but this was in the past. These days, having Perl on a system is more complicated.

But Innotop is still very popular in the MySQL world and to help me maintaining it, I would like to welcome a new member in the maintainer group: yoku0825. Tsubasa Tanaka has been a long time user and contributor of Innotop and I’m sure will keep to good work.

I’ve tried to find an alternative to Innotop, and I even wrote my own clone in Go …

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Build MySQL 8 from the source rpm in OL9

After discussing with Simon about some issues when trying to recompile MySQL 8.0.34 on CentOS 9 (see #111159), I also tried it and indeed some dependencies are not listed when compiling via the source RPM.

Let’s see how to recompile the two latest versions of MySQL (8.0.34 and 8.1.0) using the source RPMs.

I use Oracle Linux 9 as build machine.

Getting the source RPM

To get the source RPM, you need first to install the MySQL Community’s repo:

$ sudo dnf install …
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MySQL 8.1.0 is out ! Thank you for the contributions !!

The latest release of MySQL (July 18th, 2023) marks a new era for the most popular Open Source database, with the very first Innovation Release (8.1.0). More will follow before MySQL’s very first LTS Release sees the light of day.

This new Innovation Release already contains contributions from our great Community. MySQL 8.1.0 contains patches from Meta, Allen Long, Daniël van Eeden, Brent Gardner, Yura Sorokin (Percona) and Kento Takeuchi.

Let’s have a look at all these contributions:

MySQL Connector Python

  • #93643 – Contribution: fix recv compress bug – Allen Long
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