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Displaying posts with tag: open source software (reset)
MySQL User Camp @ Bangalore on 26th June

MySQL India team is back with another MySQL user camp.

The day of the week, time and venue remains the same:

Date: Jun 26th, 2015

Day : Friday

Time: 3-5:30 pm

Place: OC001, Block1, B wing, Kalyani Magnum Infotech Park, J.P Nagar, 7th Phase Bangalore, India

During our previous meetings we were requested by our attendees that they would like to hear about implementation of GTID by the MySQL community. We have listened to you and requested a community member to talk about their experience with the implementation of  GTID. Our first talk is :

  • MySQL Tools Usage in Rakuten and Overview of Replication GTIDs

There is also a lot of interest in our new delivery vehicles for MySQL packages. Using the new YUM repos you can stay up to date with the latest MySQL releases. You need not  wait for your distro to update MySQL in their release …

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Slides from the MySQL Session at Great Indian developer Summit 2015

Wanted to send a pointer to the slides from my session at #GIDS 2015.

Will followup with an impressions blog soon.

My sql5.7 whatsnew_presentedatgids2015 from Sanjay Manwani

Percona celebrates its 7th anniversary by giving to open source ecosystem

Today we’re celebrating Percona’s 7th anniversary.  A lot has changed in these past 7 years – we have grown from a two-person outfit focused exclusively on consulting to a 100-person company with teammates in 22 different countries and 18 different states, now providing Support, Consulting, RemoteDBA, Server Development and Training services.

We also made our mark in open source software development, creating some of the most popular …

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Growth of Percona software releases

It was once said that “real artists ship.” In looking over the history of Percona software releases, we are currently shipping more software than ever before.

First, let’s look at Percona Server. Let’s look at all major versions: 5.1, 5.5 and 5.6 as well as the total for each year. The estimate for 2013 comes from assuming the second half of 2013 is similar to the first half.

Percona Server releases per year

In 2011, when Percona Server 5.5 came along, we see a sharp reduction in Percona Server 5.1 releases (remember that there’s at least one Percona Server 5.1 release for each Oracle MySQL 5.1 release, and this reduction is likely a reflection of the reduction of releases from Oracle). In 2011, 2012 and 2013 we see a pretty steady number of Percona Server 5.1 releases. It seems that 5.1 is not going anywhere yet.

For Percona Server 5.5, we see an increase in 2012, which likely mirrors an …

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Continuent Tungsten Replicator 2.1 Now Available

Continuent Tungsten Replicator 2.1 is now available for download at and 

Tungsten Replicator is a high performance, open source, data replication engine for MySQL and Oracle, released under a GPL V2 license. Tungsten Replicator has all the features you expect from enterprise-class data replication products

The MariaDB Foundation: A turning point for MySQL

Back when Sun Microsystems was setting, some of the programmers who had been involved with the popular and well-known open source MySQL database started a fork of the project called MariaDB.

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Stop patent mischief by curbing patent enforcement

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Software patents are evil. They allow the work of innovators to be ambushed and raise the cost of technology innovation. But finding a viable solution to the software patent mess isn't easy.

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The software patent solution has been right here all along

Software patents have been an agent of change in open source over the last decade, as I explained in my keynote at the 8th International Conference on Open Source Systems this week. Most notably, the astonishing proliferation of software patents has forced technology companies to spend a lot of time and energy assembling defensive portfolios.

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The stealth success of PostgreSQL

One of the more notable success stories of the open source world is in the field of databases. A company with a strong commitment to open source has seen tremendous growth and success in the enterprise while contributing to a hugely respected open source code base. Who is that? Maybe your first thought was MySQL, now owned by Oracle. But unlike MySQL, this company is actually taking business away from Oracle so effectively that it's seen an 80 percent revenue growth in the last year.

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Mixed signals in IT’s great war over IP

Recent news that Microsoft and Barnes & Noble agreed to partner on the Nook e-reader line rather than keep fighting over intellectual property suggests the prospect of more settlement and fewer IP suits in the industry. However, the deal further obscures the blurry IP and patent landscape currently impacting both enterprise IT and consumer technology.

It is good to see settlement — something I’ve been calling for, while also warning against patent and IP aggression. However, this settlment comes from the one conflict in this ongoing war that was actually shedding some light on the matter, rather than further complicating it.

See the full article at TechNewsWorld.

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