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Displaying posts with tag: temporary table (reset)
Transaction and Temporary Table

In Case of MySQL

MySQL8.0.13のリリースノートに以下の記載があったので部分的ではありますが、CREATE TEMPORARYテーブルをトランザクション内で実行し確認してみました。

Previously, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE statements were not supported inside transactions, procedures, functions, or triggers when using GTIDs (that is, when the enforce_gtid_consistency system variable is set to ON). It was possible to use these statements with GTIDs enabled, but only outside of any transaction, and only with autocommit=1.

From MySQL 8.0.13, this restriction has been removed when binlog_format is set to ROW or MIXED. With row-based logging in use, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE statements can now be used inside transactions, procedures, functions, or triggers when GTIDs are enabled. When binlog_format is set to STATEMENT, the restriction remains. Because of …

Work Tableによる処理 (temporary,memory tables)

特定のSQL処理で、GROUP BYなどの集合関数を利用していて、
“Using temporary”,”Using filesort”などが出て処理時間がかかり過ぎたり、

クエリーを若干変更してメモリーテーブルやTEMPORARY TABLEなどでワークテーブルを作成し、

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