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Displaying posts with tag: amazon s3 (reset)
Percona XtraDB Cluster on Amazon EC2 and Two Interesting Changes in PXC 8.0

This article outlines the basic configurations for setting up and deploying Percona XtraDB Cluster 8.0 (PXC) on Amazon EC2, as well as what is new in the setup compared to Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7.

What is Percona XtraDB Cluster an ideal fit for?

Percona XtraDB Cluster is a cost-effective, high-performance clustering solution for mission-critical data. It combines all the improvements, and functionality found in MySQL 8 with Percona Server for MySQL‘s Enterprise features and Percona’s upgraded Galera library.

A Percona XtraDB Cluster environment is an ideal fit for applications requiring 5-9s uptime with high read …

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MySQL encrypted streaming backups directly into AWS S3


Cloud storage is becoming more and more popular for offsite storage and DR solutions for many businesses. This post will help with those people that want to perform this process for MySQL backups directly into Amazon S3 Storage. These steps can probably also be adapted for other processes that may not be MySQL oriented.


In order to perform this task we need to be able to stream the data, encrypt it, and then upload it to S3. There are a number of ways to do each step and I will try and dive into multiple examples so that way you can mix and match the solution to your desired results.  The AWS S3 CLI tools that I will be using to do the upload also allows encryption but to try and get these steps open for customization, I am going to do the encryption in the stream.

  1. Stream MySQL backup
  2. Encrypt the stream
  3. Upload the stream to AWS S3

Step 1 : …

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How to use amazon s3 using php

Amazon Simple Storage Service is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers. If you have a medium to high traffic web application then S3 will help you to load your content faster. Here contents may be files, photos, videos or even text. Normally S3 is used for files, photos and videos. It gives any developer access to the same highly scalable, reliable, fast, inexpensive data storage infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its own global network of web sites.

3 months ago I developed a project for one of my client using Zend Framework. 1 week ago he told me to change the photo uploading system from hosting disk to amazon s3. Yesterday I implemented s3 for him and found its really very easy using Zend framework.

Here I’m describing how did I do so:

If you want to access S3 you’ve to signup in amazon s3 and need …

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