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Displaying posts with tag: mysql stored routine (reset)
Common Schema: dependencies routines

Are you a MySQL DBA? Checkout the common_schema project by Oracle Ace Shlomi Noach.

The common_schema is an open source MySQL schema that packs a number of utility views, functions and stored procedures. You can use these utilities to simplify MySQL database administration and development. Shlomi just released revision 178, and I'm happy and proud to be working together with Shlomi on this project.

Among the many cool features created by Shlomi, such as foreach, repeat_exec and exec_file, there are a few %_dependencies procedures I contributed:

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Re-implementing udf_init_error in MySQL 5.5 and up

To whom it may concern -

Today, I received an email from a user of the udf_init_error UDF (which resides in the lib_mysqludf_udf library). The purpose of this UDF is to generate an error condition, which can be used to abruptly terminate a trigger or stored procedure. As such it is a workaround for bug #11661. This is all described extensively in my now ancient article here.

The user wrote me because of a problem experienced in MySQL 5.5: ...calling

select …
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MySQL Conference 2010 Presentation: Optimizing Stored Routines

Yesterday I delivered my presentation for the MySQL User Conference and Expo 2010: Optimizing MySQL Stored Routines. If you are interested in the slides, you can find them on both the MySQL conference site as well as on Here's the abstract of my presentation so you can decide if this is interesting for you: MySQL stored routines (functions, procedures, triggers and events) can be useful. But many casually written stored routines are unnecessarily slow. The main reason is that MySQL does not apply even simple code optimizations to stored routine code. …

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MySQL - the best stored routine is the one you don't write

At Fosdem 2010, already two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of hearing Geert van der Kelen explain the work he has been doing on connecting MySQL and Python. I don't know anything about Python, but anybody that has the courage, perseverance and coding skills to create an implementation of the the MySQL wire protocol from scratch is a class-A programmer in my book. So, I encourage everyone that needs MySQL connectivity for Python programs to check out Geert's brainchild, MySQL Connector/Python.

In relation to MySQL Connector/Python, I just read a post from Geert

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