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Displaying posts with tag: Oracle / Sun deal (reset)
MySQL Conference 2010 Presentation: Optimizing Stored Routines

Yesterday I delivered my presentation for the MySQL User Conference and Expo 2010: Optimizing MySQL Stored Routines. If you are interested in the slides, you can find them on both the MySQL conference site as well as on Here's the abstract of my presentation so you can decide if this is interesting for you: MySQL stored routines (functions, procedures, triggers and events) can be useful. But many casually written stored routines are unnecessarily slow. The main reason is that MySQL does not apply even simple code optimizations to stored routine code. …

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EU Should Protect MySQL-based Special Purpose Database Vendors

In my recent post on the EU antitrust regulators' probe into the Oracle Sun merger I did not mention an important class of stakeholders: the MySQL-based special purpose database startups. By these I mean:

I think it's safe to say the first three are comparable in the sense that they are all analytical databases: they are designed for data warehousing and business intelligence applications. ScaleDB might be a good fit for those …

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MySQL a factor in EU's decision

I just read Björn Schotte's post on the activities of the European Union antitrust regulators concerning the intended takeover of Sun Microsystems by Oracle.

Björn mentions a news article that cites EU Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes saying that the commission has the obligation to protect the customers from reduced choice, higher costs or both. But to me, this bit is not the most interesting. Later on the article reads:

The Commission said it was concerned that the open source nature of Sun's MySQL database might not …

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