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Displaying posts with tag: range (reset)
The Ultimate Guide to MySQL Partitions

This blog was originally published in July 2017 and was updated in August 2023.

It’s a pretty common question around here, so let’s see what we can do about that.

So, What is MySQL Partitioning?

Partitioning is a way in which a database (MySQL in this case) splits its actual data down into separate tables but still gets treated as a single table by the SQL layer.

When partitioning in MySQL, it’s a good idea to find a natural partition key. You want to ensure that table lookups go to the correct partition or group of partitions. This means that all SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE should include that column in the WHERE clause. Otherwise, the storage engine does a scatter-gather and queries ALL partitions in a UNION that is not concurrent.

Generally, you must add the partition key into the primary key along …

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A Nice Introduction to MySQL Window Functions III

Windowing Functions can get quite complex very quickly when you start taking advantage of the frame clause. Ranges and rows can get confusing.  So for review lets look at how the specification looks:

   [window name] [partition clause] [order clause] [frame clause]

That looks simple. And them come terms like UNBOUNDED PRECEDING that could put a knot in your gut.  The manual is not exactly written to help novices in this area get up to speed.  But don't panic.  If you work through the examples that follow (and please do the preceding part of this series before trying these examples) you will have a better appreciation of what is going on with window function.

The Frame Clause
So the frame clause is optional in the window function.  A frame is considered a subset of the current partition and defines that subset.  Frames are determined with …

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The range access method and why you should use EXPLAIN JSON

I got an interesting question about EXPLAIN and the range access method recently. The person had a query that could be written either with a BETWEEN predicate or an IN predicate, something similar to this:

-> FROM orders WHERE customer_id BETWEEN 7 AND 10 AND value > 500;
| id | select_type | table | type | key | key_len | rows | Extra
| 1 | SIMPLE | orders | range | cust_val | 10 | 91 | ...

-> FROM orders WHERE customer_id IN (7,8,9,10) AND value > 500;
| id | select_type | table | type | key | key_len | rows …
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DBT-3 Q3: 6 x performance in MySQL 5.6.10

When MySQL gets a query, it is the job of the optimizer to find the cheapest way to execute that query. Decisions include access method (range access, table scan, index lookup etc), join order, sorting strategy etc. If we simplify a bit, the optimizer first identifies the different ways to access each table and calculate their cost. After that, the join order is decided.

However, some access methods can only be considered after the join order has been decided and therefore gets special treatment in the MySQL optimizer. For join conditions, e.g. "WHERE table1.col1 = table2.col2",  index lookup can only be used in table2 if table1 is earlier in the join sequence. Another class of access methods is only meaningful for tables that are first in the join order. An example is queries with ORDER BY ... LIMIT. Prior to MySQL 5.6.10 there was a bug in MySQL that made the optimizer choose inefficient execution plans for this query type. …

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Index merge annoyances fixed in MySQL 5.6

While the index merge access types certainly are useful for a number of queries, there has been some frustration expressed both from customers and the community about how it...

  1. is not used when it should have been
  2. is used when ref access is obviously better
  3. merges suboptimal indexes
  4. is too restricted in which conditions can be used

I could come up with numerous examples of related bugs and feature requests dating back more than six years. To list a few: 17673, 30151, 23322, 65274, …

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On queries with many values in the IN clause

A few customers with rather extreme needs have contacted us about a performance issue with the range optimizer. Our solution to the problem is to introduce a new variable in MySQL 5.6, eq_range_index_dive_limit, which can be used to control whether or not the range optimizer will a) do index dives, or b) use index statistics when estimating the number of rows in the ranges of the query. The former method gives a far more accurate estimate while the latter costs a lot less to compute.

This is what the help text has to tell about the variable:

The optimizer will use existing index statistics instead of doing index dives for equality ranges if the number of equality ranges for the index is larger than or equal to [the value of variable]. If set to 0, index dives are always used."Equality range" means predicates using operators IN() or =, and it's important to notice that the number of such ranges is counted on a per index …

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Index Condition Pushdown to the rescue!

A while ago, I explained how range access in a multiple-part index works and why MySQL can't utilize key parts beyond the first occurrence of some often used comparison operators. Luckily, there is a great improvement underway in MySQL 5.6 that will remedy much of this limitation. Meet Index Condition Pushdown.

How does ICP work?

Index Condition Pushdown is a new way for MySQL to evaluate conditions. Instead of evaluating conditions on rows read from a table, ICP makes it possible to evaluate conditions in the index and thereby avoid looking at the table if the condition is false.

Let's assume that we have a multiple-part index covering columns (keypart_1, ..., keypart_n). Further assume that we have a condition with a comparison operator on keypart_1 that does not allow …

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Optimizer tracing: how to configure it

In this blog post, my colleague Jørgen Løland described a new feature of MySQL 5.6: Optimizer Tracing. I recommend reading his article, as it presents this new feature in a simple, easy-to-read manner.

The Optimizer Tracing feature can help understanding what the Optimizer is doing; it is available since milestone 5.6.3, announced October 3rd at Oracle Open World (here is the changelog). It's good to see it mature now; I remember that Sergey Petrunia did the first prototype back in March 2009!

Today  I will be giving some must-have tips related to handling big traces.

First thing to know, a trace lives in main memory (internally it is allocated on the heap or free store of …

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Optimizer tracing: Query Execution Plan descriptions beyond EXPLAIN

Understanding why MySQL chooses a particular join order or why table scan is chosen instead of range scan is often very hard even for experienced MySQL users. Two almost identical queries, differing only in constant values, may produce completely different plans. That's why we're introducing a great new feature in 5.6: Optimizer Tracing. The target users of this feature are developers and MySQL users experienced enough to understand the ins and outs of EXPLAIN.

What Optimizer Tracing is
You may already have guessed this, but optimizer tracing is a printout  of important decisions the MySQL optimizer has done during the process of making the Query Execution Plan.

The trace is presented in JSON format which is easy to read both for humans and others.

Currently, the optimizer trace includes …

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Tips and tricks: Killer response time for non-overlapping intervals

Assume you have a table where you store non-overlapping intervals using two columns, e.g. IP ranges. IP ranges are simple to represent using integer notation:

CREATE TABLE ip_owner (    owner_id int NOT NULL,
   /* some columns */    ip_start_int bigint NOT NULL,      /* IP address converted to integer */
   ip_end_int bigint NOT NULL,        /* IP address converted to integer */
   PRIMARY KEY (owner_id),    INDEX ip_range (ip_start_int, ip_end_int) ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

And then you find yourself in a situation where you want to know who, if anyone, owns the IP address X. This can be done using the following query:

SELECT * FROM ip_owner WHERE ip_start_int <= X AND ip_end_int …

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