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Displaying posts with tag: composite index (reset)
The range access method and why you should use EXPLAIN JSON

I got an interesting question about EXPLAIN and the range access method recently. The person had a query that could be written either with a BETWEEN predicate or an IN predicate, something similar to this:

-> FROM orders WHERE customer_id BETWEEN 7 AND 10 AND value > 500;
| id | select_type | table | type | key | key_len | rows | Extra
| 1 | SIMPLE | orders | range | cust_val | 10 | 91 | ...

-> FROM orders WHERE customer_id IN (7,8,9,10) AND value > 500;
| id | select_type | table | type | key | key_len | rows …
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Index merge annoyances fixed in MySQL 5.6

While the index merge access types certainly are useful for a number of queries, there has been some frustration expressed both from customers and the community about how it...

  1. is not used when it should have been
  2. is used when ref access is obviously better
  3. merges suboptimal indexes
  4. is too restricted in which conditions can be used

I could come up with numerous examples of related bugs and feature requests dating back more than six years. To list a few: 17673, 30151, 23322, 65274, …

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Index Condition Pushdown to the rescue!

A while ago, I explained how range access in a multiple-part index works and why MySQL can't utilize key parts beyond the first occurrence of some often used comparison operators. Luckily, there is a great improvement underway in MySQL 5.6 that will remedy much of this limitation. Meet Index Condition Pushdown.

How does ICP work?

Index Condition Pushdown is a new way for MySQL to evaluate conditions. Instead of evaluating conditions on rows read from a table, ICP makes it possible to evaluate conditions in the index and thereby avoid looking at the table if the condition is false.

Let's assume that we have a multiple-part index covering columns (keypart_1, ..., keypart_n). Further assume that we have a condition with a comparison operator on keypart_1 that does not allow …

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Slides of my talk on B+Tree Indexes and InnoDB

The slides of my talk on B+Tree Indexes and InnoDB are now available for download. This slide was presented during Percona Live London 2011. You can download the slides from here.
There are many other interesting and informative talks that were presented during Percona Live London 2011, and I think you should definitely check them out, if you haven't. They are available here.

The post Slides of my talk on B+Tree Indexes and InnoDB appeared first on ovais.tariq.

The MySQL range access method explained

The range access method uses an index to read a subset of rows that form one or multiple continuous index value intervals. The intervals are defined by the query's range predicates, which are comparisons using any of =, <=>, IN(), IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, >, <, >=, <=, BETWEEN, !=, <> or LIKE.

Some examples:
SELECT * FROM blog WHERE author_id IN (1, 7, 8, 10) SELECT * FROM orders WHERE value > 1000
You know that the range access method is used when EXPLAIN shows type=range.

Naturally, there has to be an index on the column used by the range predicate. Since indexes are ordered, MySQL will, for each interval, dive down the index using the interval start value and read it's way through the index leaves until it reaches the interval end value:

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