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451 CAOS Links 2009.06.02

Cloudera lands funding. SourceForge acquires Ohloh. Novell reports Linux growth. And more.

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Cloudera shows signs of progress

GigaOM reported that Cloudera raised $6m Series B funding from Accel and Greylock and is now looking beyond web applications to wider enterprise adoption of Hadoop. Cloudera also announced its first certification program for Hadoop.

Open source goes mainstream in the UK
There have been signs of change recently with regards to open source adoption in the UK, which has traditionally lagged behind the rest of Europe and the US. CBR Magazine provided an analysis of …

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Why $20 million for Kickfire?

As Matt Asay recently mentioned in his post about Kickfire, the company just closed a Series B for $20 million. In today’s credit-scarce market where VC funding is flat/declining, $20 million is a lot of money, especially for a company whose product is still in beta. What’s more, there seems to be an investment bubble in the broader data warehousing space in which Kickfire participates (at last count, there were over two dozen vendors, the majority of which are relatively new entrants) and that bubble looks like it is starting to burst as witnessed by Microsoft’s recent acquisition of DATAllegro. So, are the Kickfire investors misguided or is there something more here …

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