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Displaying posts with tag: users conference (reset)
My Impressions About MONyog

At work we have been looking for tools to monitor MySQL and at the same time provide as much diagnosis information as possible upfront when an alarm is triggered. After looking around at different options, I decided to test MONyog from Webyog, the makers of the better known SQLyog. Before we go on, the customary disclaimer: This review reflects my own opinion and in no way represents any decision that my current employer may or may not make in regards of this product.
First ImpressionYou know what they say about the first impression, and in this where MONyog started with the right foot. Since it is an agent-less system, it only requires to install the RPM or untar the tarball in the server where you're going to run the monitor and launch the daemon to get started. How much faster or simpler can it be? But in order to start monitoring a server you need to do some …

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Speaking At The MySQL Users Conference

My proposal has been accepted, yay!

I'll be speaking on a topic that I feel passionate about: MySQL Server Diagnostics Beyond Monitoring. MySQL has limitations when it comes to monitoring and diagnosing as it has been widely documented in several blogs.

My goal is to share my experience from the last few years and, hopefully, learn from what others have done. If you have a pressing issue, feel free to comment on this blog and I'll do my best to include the case in my talk and/or post a reply if the time allows.

I will also be discussing my future plans on sarsql. I've been silent about this utility mostly because I've been implementing it actively at work. I'll post a road map shortly based on my latest experience.

I'm excited about meeting many old friends (and most now fellow MySQL alumni) …

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MySQL 5.1 Use Case Competition: Position 1

MySQL 5.1 is here! It’s announced! And it’s time for the overall winner, Position 1 in the MySQL 5.1 Use Case Competition.

1. Greg Haase (Lotame Solutions Inc., Elkridge, Maryland, USA): Using Partitioning and Event Scheduler to Prune Archive Tables. See Greg’s DevZone article, and his blog.

Thanks and congratulations, Greg! I absolutely hope you are in a position to take advantage of your free MySQL Conference & Expo 2009 Pass, including a dinner with MySQL …

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MySQL Information Schema applications at the UC2008

Last week I blogged about the upcoming MySQL Users conference, in particular about the Writing MySQL UDFs tutorial that I will be delivering.

I will also be doing the Grand Tour of the Information Schema and its Applications.

I will discuss the elements in the MySQL information schema, and provide tips to write queries against it. Most of the talk …

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UDFs at the MySQL User's conference

The MySQL User's conference will be held in less than a month from now!!!

This year there is quite a good number of sessions on adding your own functions and procedures, such as:

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MySQL stored procedurs: ...the CASE that they gave me...

Let's see if you can solve this little puzzle...

Consider this stored procedure:

-- finds the first slash and exits
create procedure p_find_slash(p_text text)
declare v_index int default 1;
declare v_length int default character_length(p_text);
declare v_char char(1);

_main_loop: while v_index <= v_length do -- loop over all characters

set v_char := substring(p_text, v_index, 1); -- grab the current character
case v_char
when v_char = '/' then -- found a slash!
select concat('A slash at ', v_index) message; -- report it
leave _main_loop; -- and then stop
else …
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