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Next week in Brussels: Parallel Replication at the MySQL Pre-FOSDEM Day

FOSDEM is next weekend and I am talking about Parallel Replication on Friday, February 2nd at the MySQL Pre-FOSDEM Day (there might be tickets left in case of cancellation, attendance is free of charge).  During this talk, I will show benchmark results of MySQL 8.0 parallel replication on real production environments.  I thought I could share a few things before the talk so here it

A Metric for Tuning Parallel Replication in MySQL 5.7

MySQL 5.7 introduced the LOGICAL_CLOCK type of multi-threaded slave (MTS).  When using this type of parallel replication (and when slave_parallel_workers is greater than zero), slaves use information from the binary logs (written by the master) to run transactions in parallel.  However, enabling parallel replication on slaves might not be enough to get a higher replication throughput (VividCortex

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