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Displaying posts with tag: Tesora (reset)
Percona Live Europe 2015! Call for speakers; registration open

Percona Live is moving from London to Amsterdam this year and the event is also expanding to three full days. Percona Live Europe 2015, September 21-23, will be at the Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre. The call for speakers and Super Saver registration are now open. Hurry though because the deadline for submitting a speaking proposal is June 21st and Super Saver registration ends July 5th!

This year’s conference will feature one day of tutorials and two days of keynote talks and breakout …

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It does not matter if Aurora performs 1x or 10x MySQL: it _is_ a big thing

I spent the last 4 years at SkySQL/MariaDB working on versions of MySQL that could be “suitable for the cloud”. I strongly believed that the world needed a version of MySQL that could work in the cloud even better than its comparable version on bare metal. Users and administrators wanted to benefit from the use of cloud infrastructures and at the same time they wanted to achieve the same performance and overall stability of their installations on bare metal. Unfortunately, ACID-compliant databases in the cloud suffer from the issues that any centrally controlled and strictly persistent system can get when hosted on highly distributed and natively stateless infrastructures.
In this post I am not going to talk about the improvements needed for MySQL in the cloud - I will tackle this topic in a future post. Today I'd like to focus on the business side of RDS and Aurora. 
In the last 4 years I had endless discussions over …

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Percona Server, OpenStack and the Tesora DBaaS Platform

Percona Server and Percona XtraDB Cluster provide high-performance alternatives for MySQL users. We have also seen rapidly growing interest in these solutions in the OpenStack community where higher performance and high availability are crucial. Many OpenStack users are adopting these solutions but we’ve also seen demand from companies creating OpenStack distros. For example, Percona XtraDB Cluster is now certified for the RHEL OSP (OpenStack Platform) and is included in the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS release. …

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OpenStack Trove Day 2014 Recap: MySQL and DBaaS

OpenStack Trove Day

I just returned from a week in Cambridge, Massachusetts where I was attending the OpenStack Trove Day and the Trove mid-cycle meetup, both sponsored by the great folks at Tesora.

I am relatively new to the OpenStack and Trove arenas so this was a fantastic opportunity for me to learn more about the communities, the various components within OpenStack, and what part Trove plays. I found the entire event very worthwhile – I met a lot of key people in the community, learned more about Trove and its potential, and in general felt a great energy and excitement surrounding Trove and OpenStack as a whole.

There were more than 120 attendees at Trove Day. That is almost four times the initial estimate! I …

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OpenStack Trove Day 2014 Recap: MySQL and DBaaS

OpenStack Trove Day

I just returned from a week in Cambridge, Massachusetts where I was attending the OpenStack Trove Day and the Trove mid-cycle meetup, both sponsored by the great folks at Tesora.

I am relatively new to the OpenStack and Trove arenas so this was a fantastic opportunity for me to learn more about the communities, the various components within OpenStack, and what part Trove plays. I found the entire event very worthwhile – I met a lot of key people in the community, learned more about Trove and its potential, and in general felt a great energy and excitement surrounding Trove and OpenStack as a whole.

There were more than 120 attendees at Trove Day. That is almost four times the initial estimate! I think I …

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Sysbench Benchmarking of Tesora’s Database Virtualization Engine

Tesora, previously called Parelastic, asked Percona to do a sysbench benchmark evaluation of its Database Virtualization Engine on specific architectures on Amazon EC2.

The focus of Tesora is to provide a scalable Database As A Service platform for OpenStack. The Database Virtualization Engine (DVE) plays a part in this as it aims at allowing databases to scale transparently across multiple MySQL shards.

DVE was open sourced last week. Downloads and …

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