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Displaying posts with tag: Percona Playback (reset)
Percona Playback 0.7 is now available

Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona Playback 0.7 for MySQL on October 22nd, 2013. Downloads are available from our download site and Percona Software Repositories.

Percona Playback for MySQL is a tool for replaying the load of one database server to another. Currently it can read queries from MySQL query-log and MySQL tcpdump files and run them on other MySQL server. With Percona Playback you can measure how a server or database upgrade, change in my.cnf or schema change can affect the overall performance of your MySQL database server.

Percona Playback for MySQL can also help evaluate new server versions, patches and hardware against …

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Experimental GIT Mirrors of Percona XtraBackup, Percona Server plus Oracle MySQL trees

I recently blogged on setting up Experimental Git mirror of Oracle MySQL trees up on GitHub. I’m now happy to announce that there are also mirrors for:

I’ve also updated the Oracle MySQL GIT mirror to include MySQL 5.7 and the (now abandoned) MySQL 6.0. I include the abandoned 6.0 tree as it can provide useful archaeology as to where some code came from.

I’d love to hear about any positive/negative experiences using these mirrors. Hopefully shortly I’ll fix up the last …

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Is your MySQL buffer pool warm? Make it sweat!

Today’s blog post diving into the waters of the MySQL buffer pool is a cross-post from Groupon’s engineering blog, and is Part 1 of 2. Thank you to Kyle Oppenheim at Groupon for contributing to this project and post. We’ll be posting Part 2 on Thursday. I’ll be at the Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo next week in Santa Clara, California so look for me there – I’d love to connect and talk more about MySQL buffer pools or anything else that’s on your mind!

There …

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Percona Playback 0.6 for MySQL now available

Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona Playback 0.6 for MySQL on April 9, 2013. Downloads are available from our download site and Percona Software Repositories.

Percona Playback for MySQL is a tool for replaying the load of one database server to another. Currently it can read queries from MySQL query-log and MySQL tcpdump files and run them on other MySQL server. With Percona Playback you can measure how a server or database upgrade, change in my.cnf or schema change can affect the overall performance of your MySQL database server.

Percona Playback …

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