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Displaying posts with tag: Kyle Oppenheim (reset)
Rotating MySQL slow logs safely

This blog post is part two of two. Like part one, published Wednesday, this is a cross-post from Groupon’s engineering blog. Thanks again to Kyle Oppenheim at Groupon. And one more reminder that I’ll be at the Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo next week in Santa Clara, California so look for me there. You can checkout the sessions I’ll be leading here.

In my last post, I described a solution for keeping the caches of a MySQL standby server hot using MySQL slow logs with …

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Is your MySQL buffer pool warm? Make it sweat!

Today’s blog post diving into the waters of the MySQL buffer pool is a cross-post from Groupon’s engineering blog, and is Part 1 of 2. Thank you to Kyle Oppenheim at Groupon for contributing to this project and post. We’ll be posting Part 2 on Thursday. I’ll be at the Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo next week in Santa Clara, California so look for me there – I’d love to connect and talk more about MySQL buffer pools or anything else that’s on your mind!

There …

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