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Displaying posts with tag: 6.0 (reset)
The search for MySQL 5.5

So, MySQL 6.0 was ditched, and a few weeks ago 5.4 was also – its features to be added in other (earlier) versions (I’m told 5.2 but not sure). I reckon that’s good news, regardless of the version number. There was also an announcement about a change in the release mechanism at Sun/MySQL.

Now for practicals. If I look on Launchpad, the 5.1 branch is the only active one (next to 5.0 fixes, of course). 5.4 was last updated 15 weeks ago. There is no 5.2 on there that I can find. Wasn’t looking for it really, just happened to notice its absence while I was trying to find 5.5. And the reason for that was that Miguel closed a bug I was following, noting it was no longer reproducible in 5.5. He pastes some code that reports mysql as 5.5, so it’s not a typo.

So, in addition to the above list of …

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MySQL University: New replication features in MySQL 5.1 and 6.0

This Thursday (May 28th, 14:00 UTC), Lars Thalmann will give a MySQL University session on MySQL Replication: Walk-through of the new 5.1 and 6.0 features. (This session was originally scheduled for May 7th, but had to be put off due to technical problems. Apologies.) Lars is leading the replication and backup teams at MySQL, so this is one of the best opportunities to ask whatever questions you might have about new replication features in MySQL.

For MySQL University sessions, point your browser to this page. You need a browser with a working Flash plugin. You may register for a Dimdim account, but you don't have to. (Dimdim is the …

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MySQL 6.0.8 Feature: Interface for Semi-synchronous Replication

MySQL 6.0.8 has new interfaces for semisynchronous replication.

The interfaces make it possible to load components to ensure that all transactions are replicated to the slave before the users of the master gets acceptance of the commits.

The original code was developed by Mark Callaghan (Google) and Wei Li (Google). Zhenxing He (MySQL) ported the Google code to MySQL 6.0, extracted the functionality into pluggable components, and changed the code so that all storage engines are supported. Paul DuBois (MySQL) wrote the MySQL manual documentation.

The extraction of this patch into components is a first step in our strategy to make MySQL Replication modularized with separate loadable components for special replication functionality. With more interfaces to the server, it becomes easier to make the server behave in …

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MySQL Feature Preview: mysqlbackup program

The mysqlbackup client program is now available for download as a feature preview. This program gives information about the produced backup image files and is a complement to the new MySQL 6.0 Backup feature. The program is not yet part of the main MySQL server releases.

So far, we have implemented the first milestone of WL#4534, e.g.:

  • Display metadata contained in backup image (i.e the SQL statements)
  • List objects contained in the backup image
  • Display statistics about the backup image (e.g. compression algorithm)
  • Search and display objects of backup image
  • Search and display metadata of backup image objects
  • In case of problems with reading the image provide as much information
    as possible, e.g. the position of the failure

The current preview …

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MySQL?s storage engine program picks up steam

The solidDB for MySQL database engine for MySQL may have lost its sponsor following IBM’s acquisition of Solid Info Tech but events at this week’s MySQL Conference and Expo prove the certified engines program is alive and well.

Not only has Oracle announced that its Innobase subsidiary has updated InnoDB transactional storage engine, but there is also a new member of the certified engines program.

Kickfire has recently …

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MySQL 6.0 is alpha - Falcon is Beta

While MySQL 5.1 is almost ready, MySQL 6.0 is already in alpha with many new features, including a Beta of Falcon. Falcon (Intro, White Paper) is designed for typical Web 2.0 workloads in modern (i.e. many cores, large memory) machines.

Check out the MySQL 6.0 home page and the …

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