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Displaying posts with tag: debian (reset)

I published an SQLite3 storage back-end to NIST::NVD on the CPAN. It’s pretty quick. About as fast as the DB_File one, but without the down side of being tied to DB_File. It shouldn’t be too difficult to re-factor this code to any DBI-based database. MariaDB anyone?

I know it works on Debian. The nightly CPAN test results should come back shortly and I’ll find out how well it works on other platforms.

MySQL and Debian Linux

It is available now ! MySQL 5.5.18 now offers Debian Linux (.deb) packages.

They are available via the site !

Finally the Debian community can upgrade easily to MySQL 5.5 !

MySQL 5.5.18 Debian packaging now available

I am happy to announce that MySQL 5.5.18 is now available via Debian native packaging.  We have gotten many requests for this and our build and release teams have pulled together to ensure that our DEB packages are delivered with the highest quality. 

You can download MySQL 5.5.18 Debian 5 and 6 packages from the MySQL Community Download page or from the My Oracle Support portal.

As always, thanks for your continued support of MySQL!

MySQL 5.5.18 Debian packaging now available

I am happy to announce that MySQL 5.5.18 is now available via Debian native packaging.  We have gotten many requests for this and our build and release teams have pulled together to ensure that our DEB packages are delivered with the highest quality. 

You can download MySQL 5.5.18 Debian 5 and 6 packages from the MySQL Community Download page or from the My Oracle Support portal.

As always, thanks for your continued support of MySQL!

Running phpMyAdmin On Nginx (LEMP) On Debian Squeeze/Ubuntu 11.04

Running phpMyAdmin On Nginx (LEMP) On Debian Squeeze/Ubuntu 11.04

The phpMyAdmin package from the Debian/Ubuntu repositories comes with configuration files for Apache and Lighttpd, but not for nginx. This tutorial shows how you can use the Debian Squeeze/Ubuntu 11.04 phpMyAdmin package in an nginx vhost. Nginx is a HTTP server that uses much less resources than Apache and delivers pages a lot of faster, especially static files.

Open Query looking for new colleagues!

My colleagues and I are looking for extra talent – is that you?

What we do:help clients prevent problems (rather than being the fire department), we work on a subscription basis although we also do some ad-hoc consulting, and training. Apart from MySQL/MariaDB query and DBA work, we do quite a bit of system administration. Mainly Red Hat and Debian based distros, and expect to see replication and the MySQL-MMM multi-master system. You’d work from home, whereever it might be, so you will need to be self-motivating (but we do keep in touch online).

What we’re not: a full-time employer. With us, you make a life rather than a living. Everybody is contracted part-time. You can make enough to live comfortably, but that has nothing to do with hours. If you’re stressed about not filling all hours in your week with work-work-work, we’re not the company for you… there’s more to life than …

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Installing MySQL Administrator Tool To Connect To Remote Databases

Installing MySQL Administrator Tool To Connect To Remote Databases

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to install MySQL Admin tool on an Ubuntu 11.04 system and how to connect to a remote host with it. This should also work on most Debian based operating systems.

How to setup a FAI Install server on debian squeeze

Ok, Debian Squeeze is out for a while and now it`s time to setup a new FAI (Fully Automatic Installation) install server. In this tutorial, I will describe, how to setup FAI with dhcpd3 or dnsmasq for bootp and DHCP.


This document describes how to set up a FAI install server 3.4.8 on Debian Linux 6.x with dhcpd3 or dnsmasq

list of references

related article

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I reactivated my Twitter account yesterday, but do not expect too many tweets.

Setting up MariaDB repositories for Debian/Ubuntu

If you run Debian or Ubuntu, and want a way to auto-generate a sources.list entry, then you should definitely look at: Setting up Repositories for Ubuntu/Debian. Its very simple: choose a distribution, then a release, then choose what version of MariaDB you would like to track and a mirror of your choice, and voila! it generates the sources.list for you.

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