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Displaying posts with tag: maxdb (reset)
3d printer

What do y'all think of the idea of a 3d printer? Aaron uses one at work. They call them "C&C machines." I don't recall what C&C stands for, but it basically takes a 3d model from a computer and cuts it into a piece of metal. I've been thinking about building such a beast.

Since there are a lot of data related to such a task, I figured I could get mysql and maxdb involved. Feedback?

analyzing MaxDB kernel traces

Daniel D. sent me some good info on analyzing MaxDB kernel trace output.

I still need to read it a few times and try it out myself, but here is the link so you can follow along :)

analyzing MaxDB kernel traces

Daniel D. sent me some good info on analyzing MaxDB kernel trace output.

I still need to read it a few times and try it out myself, but here is the link so you can follow along :)

MaxDB talk at MySQL UC 2006

[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

My proposed talk got accepted for the 2006 MySQL UC.

I'm working with to get the Synchronization Manager functioning stably on Linux and Mac OS X. I'm going to tag blogs having to do with this purpose with "mysql uc 2006", in case you're interested in following along.

Chris has been putting a great deal of effort into getting MaxDB -> MySQL synchronization working smoothly and has offered up the documentation of his experience for the good of the community.

He has not stopped there. In fact, he has now gotten the Synchronization Manager running on OS X. We expect both of these features to be working well enough by the 2006 UC to present them to the community and have a public conversation about the subject.

If you're interested in attending this presentation, please …

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Finding your MaxDB settings

Finding your Independent Data Path:

dbmcli ?d -u , dbm_getpath IndepDataPath

Finding your Run Directory
dbmcli ?d -u , param_directget RUNDIRECTORY

Turning on INSERT trace with dbmcli

DB User = dba
DB Pass = dba
DB Name = TEST
command = trace_on
argument = TRACE_INSERT


$ dbmcli -u dba,dba -d TEST trace_on TRACE_INSERT

Description of MaxDB code tree

I had a conversation with Daniel Dittmar, one of the developers on the SAP team today. I am trying to get familiar with the MaxDB codebase, and it's difficult to do without at least a bit of explanation. The inline English documentation is written by native German speakers, so it's often difficult to discern. Having this map will help me quite a bit. I hope it helps some others as well.

Thanks very much to Daniel for putting an evening in to documenting this.

12:56 < cj> DanielD: can you point me to some docs on the maxdb source code?
12:56 < cj> why are the different parts named with such short and
difficult-to-remember names? :)
12:57 < DanielD> partly, because if you work with them day in, day out, you
remember them anyway and they are easier to type
12:57 < cj> :)
12:58 < DanielD> what documentation there is, is either …

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MaxDB Build tools (TOOLSRC)

TOOLSRC does not build with gcc 4.0. It seems to be working with 3.4, however.

Meeting with Patrik today

I met with my boss, Patrik today. We discussed some of the work I've been doing the last quarter, the direction we're planning on going and some of the expectations for the next quarter. I also completed my expense report for the trip to Germany in September. Finally.

I feel pretty special that someone would travel from Finland to Seattle in order to see me. Even if it's a stop-off on the way to Cupertino :)

We had lunch at the space needle after our meeting. Very good (and expensive) food there. As the restaurant rotated, I gave him the sitting tour of the layout of the city.

Afterwards, we drove over 520 and did a drive-through tour of Redmond and the Microsoft campus. …

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More notes from UnixODBC + Maxdb

I built a simple ODBC program that attempts to connect to a data source and tells you whether the connection succeeded or not.

It works. Yay. I also moved the example config directory to the example directory, since that's what they are.

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