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Displaying posts with tag: maxdb (reset)
Hey, look! I'm published :)

Notes from UnixODBC + MaxDB

$ dltest /opt/sdb/programs/lib/ SQLAllocHandle
[dltest] ERROR dlopen: /opt/sdb/programs/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE

$ dltest /opt/sdb/programs/lib/ SQLAllocHandle

I put this example odbcinst.ini file in /etc, and this example odbc.ini file in my home directory as $HOME/.odbc.ini, and then ran the following:

$ isql MailDB dba dba

and voìla! Now to get down to the important bits...

New software, notes about work

I installed OOo 2 today. And I connected it to my locally running MySQL database via JDBC. I've been learning a lot about JDBC recently, what with a rash of customers wanting to know how to connect to MaxDB via Java.

I'm also working a bit with Peter Harvey and learning something about ODBC. It seems somewhat more complicated. Perhaps that's because it doesn't have a virtual machine to target. I don't know. They all seem similar to DBI.

I also installed the beta version of Thunderbird. The Debian package was a bit out of date and didn't have index-by-recipient. It was a major hassle for me, so I fixed it.

Ulf and I have been working with a potential customer who has been having issues connecting to his x_server with MaxDB SQL Studio. He was initially reporting that he could not issue a particular query. I tried to get it working locally and put together a little script to build his example database, given …

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maildb code back up

Since I've been working a bit more on maildb the last week, I put the subversion repository back up. Sadly, the revision history has been lost for the previous version. All I had to restore it was the current checkout.

I believe the old revision history can be grabbed from the .svn/ folders in this tar file, though, if you need it:

You may keep up-to-date by following the development in the online SVN:

svn co

contact me for commit rights.

SynchMan Rough Drafts

For those of you who were curious what the rough drafts of my Synchronization Manager articles look like, the link to the first article follows.

My server was down for the last 3 weeks. This brings me to about a 98% uptime. Woe.

But the good news is that I have put the drafts of the articles up for review here:

Synch Manager, part V article outline

Hey all,

Here is the rough outline for the upcoming Synchronization Manager article. I expect to have it fleshed out and ready for publication by the end of next week or shortly thereafter. Please give feedback if you see anything missing or are not interested in particular topics.


  • Concepts

    • Replication Units

      • Master Unit
      • Client Unit
      • Activating Replication Units

    • Message Server, msgserver
    • Synchronization Service, syncservice
    • Conflicts
    • Table name mapping
    • Master database …
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Did I mention I'm in Berlin?

I'm in Germany. Crazy.

I'm putting images up on my gallery page now, but it's slow going. It seems that I keep bringing down my co-worker's network whenever I push a lot of bandwidth over it.

I have not asked my co-worker if I can mention him on my blog yet, so I will not mention his name; But, I would like to publicly share my gratitude. He has been very kind and helped me find my way around his country very adeptly.

He suggested a very nice hotel for me, only moments from his office and home, was kind enough to invite me on an outing last weekend with his children to a local lake, keeps me hydrated (Have I mentioned how uhm... different Berlin water is than Washingtonian water?), lets me invade his network, and keeps me very well informed about MySQL, SAP and MaxDB.

I miss you all. Please comment so I have some sort of tenuous grip with home. I'm getting a little homesick.

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MaxDB Synch Manager, Part the Fourth

This series began at Part the First. If you have not read this yet, please do so now.

My partner, Ulf just found this document that is distributed with MaxDB. It is licensed under the GPL:

More perusing found this one, licensed the same way:

And a bit more looking found this. Also GPL.

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MaxDB Synch Manager, Part the third: Installing Java

This series began at Part the First, which is still in rough draft form. Be sure to read the first article before continuing with this article.

The following sync programs were installed with the MySQL MaxDB
server in the first article:

$ file `sudo find /opt/sdb/ -iname "*sync*" | head -4`
/opt/sdb/programs/bin/syncmanjconf: Bourne shell script text executable
/opt/sdb/programs/bin/syncservice:  Bourne shell script text executable
/opt/sdb/programs/bin/syncmanacc:   Bourne shell script text executable
/opt/sdb/programs/bin/syncmangui:   Bourne shell script text executable

These applications require the j2ee sdk in order to run. You can
download the version presented in this article from …

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MaxDB Synch Manager, Part the second: Verifying installation

Welcome to the second installment of my
articles on the MaxDB Synch manager. In the rough draft of the previous article, we covered
installing MaxDB and related client packages.

Launch First Steps

As you will remember from the first article, we are now at the
point of doing what the installer calls launching the first steps.

When the button on the installer is clicked, a brower opens a file
that the installer placed on my hard drive. For those of you without
access to my hard drive, I will post this file on
my web server
for easier viewing. Do note, however that this file
in its current state is out of date, and we do not suggest using it as
a reference.

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