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Displaying posts with tag: install (reset)
Installing MEM agent on a cluster on the logical host

The goal is to have only one entry in the Enterprise Monitor Dashboard that shows the status of the MySQL instance, no matter on which physical server in runs. There are two ways to achieve this:

  • You can install the agent on both physical nodes
  • You can install the agent on a shared storage.

In either case you have to make sure, that only one agent runs at a time. You have to integrate the agent into your cluster framework. I will not describe how this works, as it is highly dependant on your cluster framework.
The following description assumes, that you will install the agent on both physical nodes.

  1. Install the agent but DO NOT START the agent yet.

  2. Edit the [agent-installdir]/etc/mysql-monitor-agent.ini
    In the [mysql-proxy] section add the following line:
    agent-host-id=[logical hostname]
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Bug When Compiling MySQL 5.1 From Source

I just filed a very annoying bug when trying to compile with plugin engines using the 5.1.xx source tarball.


I am trying to test SphinxSE as a plugin instead of getting it statically linked and came across an annoying bug. When using the configure --with-plugins option only once, the engine is statically linked. When using it twice, the first engine is created as a plugin, and the 2nd one is linked statically. Here are a couple of examples:./configure –prefix=/usr/local/mysql-5.1.33 –with-plugins=innobase –with-plugins=sphinx

plugin_innobase_shared_target=''   <-- plugin
plugin_sphinx_static_target='libsphinx.a'       <-- static
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql-5.1.33 --with-plugins=sphinx …
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MySQL Windows Install Troubleshooting

If you’re having trouble installing MySQL 5.1 on a Windows server, I’d recommend the following process.  Don’t skip the first steps that describe the uninstall and removal of the previous install as this seems to clear up most issues.   For the uninstall, I’d recommend manually deleting data files.  Caution: deleting the data files will delete any data previously entered into MySQL.

1.  Remove previous MySQL installs (and remnants)

a.  Stop the MySQL service ( Start | Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services)

b.  Remove MySQL using Windows Add or Remove Programs (Start | Control Panel | Add or Remove Programs)

c.  Clean up (delete) the data directory  (assuming that you don’t have data that you need) c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\mysql


d.  Clean up (delete) any remaining …

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Installing MySQL in Solaris 10 zones / containers

Now that installing MySQL in Solaris zones is even officially supported by the MySQL support group (see, the question is: What is the right way of installing MySQL in a zone. Of course this depends on what you want to achieve. The following description is based on Solaris 10. On Opensolaris this is different (somewhat easier, as there are no more sparse root zones.)
If you run a local zone as a whole root zone, you can easily install MySQL from tarball or the package installer.
If you run a local zone as a sparse root zone, there are different options:
First you cannot use the package installer, as this procedure will copy binaries to /usr/bin. But /usr/bin is inherited from the global zone and write protected. You have to use the tarball installation. …

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PHP – Upgrading v5.2.5 to v5.2.8

Background Knowledge

The following is the process I took to upgrade a web server with PHP v5.2.5 to PHP v5.2.8 running on OpenBSD. PEAR is already installed on this system and up to date. I wasn’t sure if I should exclude PEAR at install or not so therefore did not tell the configurator to exclude PEAR at install.

Installation Process

  1. Download the latest stable PHP release from command prompt # wget
  2. # tar -zxvf php-5.2.8.tar.gz
  3. ./configure –with-mysql=/usr/local –with-mssql=/usr/local –with-apxs –with-zlib-dir=/usr/lib –with-config-file-path=/var/www/conf –with-iconv=/usr/local/bin/iconv –enable-exif –enable-mbstring …
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Installing Oracle 11gR1 on Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex

Hello, there! With another Ubuntu release, it has come the time to update our series of posts on how to install Oracle 11g on Ubuntu. If you’ve been following, we’ve been publishing updated howtos since Ubuntu 7.04:

In fact, in this article I refer several times to previous posts regarding some configuration aspects and why I chose particular values. Also, note that this series of posts is a work in progress and we were able to improve this series with your help. So please do post comment below as …

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Hadoop Primer – Yet Another Hadoop Introduction

I just came upon a pretty good Hadoop introduction paper posted on Sunâ€s wiki. Apache Hadoop is a free Java software framework that supports data intensive distributed applications. It enables applications to work with thousands of nodes and petabytes of data. Hadoop was inspired by Google's MapReduce and Google File System (GFS) (wikipedia). I wouldnâ€t call it an alternative to mysql – theyâ€re in completely different weight categories. I like …

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MySQL vs Postgres, Again - Is Postgres Better?

I was browsing the web on this lazy Sunday afternoon and ran across a good article on the Rarest Words blog. The author was trying to get Django installed and running with Postgres. From the author's own admissions, he is not a Postgres fanatic.

Well, this and last year I hear everywhere that PostgreSQL is the way to go and that usage of mySQL in 2008 makes people puke… But without any real arguments (besides "Postgres is the way to go").

After some not so compatible errors with these not so compatible databases, the author did get it working and ran some benchmarks. Postgres did not turn out faster than MySQL. If you ask anyone in the Postgres community which database is faster, they will say Postgres. Ask anyone in the MySQL community and there's no telling what …

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Installing Oracle 11g on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron)

Note: Installing Oracle 11gR1 on Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex is now published.

After our last post about installing Oracle 11g on Ubuntu 7.10 (November, 6th), and considering Ubuntu 8.04 LTS was released on April 21st, I spent some time reviewing and putting together this new HOWTO for the installation.

Please note: I’ve used the x86 server version of Ubuntu 8.04, but the same steps should work without any problems for the Desktop version. Also notice that this whole procedure can easily take over six hours to complete, so don’t complain I didn’t …

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Installing Oracle 11g on Ubuntu Linux 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon)

Note: Installing Oracle 11gR1 on Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex is now published.

After many requests from readers, I’ve put together new, revised version of the Oracle 11g on Ubuntu recipe. This new version is a little different than the first one published: it’s based on a bare-bones install of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) server version instead of the desktop version. As an improvement, I’ve tried to pare down dependencies to a minimal set.

Your feedback is more than welcome — it’s the main reason why I wrote a new version of this HOWTO. I’ve also tested and repeated this procedure twice. Even so, it might still have problems, so please let me know so we can improve it …

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